Active Member
Maybe its a lost cause but I got a D2G with hardware issues. I am just over a month in to my very first contract with VZW and hate to get a refurb given the stories I have heard here where people had to go through X amount of refurbs to get a working phone. If I knew the refurb was going to be in working condition that's fine with me but I just don't have faith it will. Is there any tips on getting a new phone and not a refurb or will I likley have to deal with refurbs..I wonder if its worth trying to just go through a bunch of refurbs with hopes of a D3 if the the refurbs keep failing. My phones pretty stable at the moment as the screen hasn't failed to turn on for the last 3 days now but still annoying to do a battery pull on the ocasion the screenw ont turn on. This happened on diffrent stock roms and liberty so I am confident this is hardware related.