Time without a signal?


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Hello everyone....I am new to this forum page. Here is my first post and I'm hoping to get some good info on this topic.

Last night I had an issue where my girl tried calling me about 10 times within a 40 min. period and she told me that she kept getting directly shot to my voicemail right away or after 1 or 2 rings. She is NOT checked off in my contacts to have her calls sent directly to voicemail.

I checked the Battery Usage Details and my Cell Standby % was at about 16% and when I clicked on it, it showed me a "Time without a signal" percentage of 50%. What is "Time without a signal"? Does it mean I don't have an actual signal for calls to come through? If thats the case what is going on with my phone?

I had received all my other calls yesterday without any problems. I called Verizon earlier in the day and canceled my Visual Voicemail and the rep told me to dial *228 afterwards to update my roaming, so I did. Could that have been the culprit with her not getting through to me?

After she told me she kept getting my VM I called Verizon back and spoke to a customer service rep and he told me to reprogram my phone by dialing *228 and select option 1 and this should "hopefully" fix the issue. I did what he told me and had no issues afterwards. I called my Droid numerous times with my other line and every call went through no problem. Even did it again this morning and had no issues, all valls went through, even checked at work as well and all good. I also got a few other calls from other people last night no problem.

I hope this isn't going to be an issue. Today my Cell Standby% is at 26% but so far my battery life has been great since I got this phone (got 18 hours yesterday, which to me is good)..especially compared to my Eris which had horrible battery life....one of the main reasons I switched to Droid. My gripe isn't with battery life....it is with me not receiving those calls last night from my girl (normally I wouldn't mind not getting her calls...LOL), I don't want to have to worry about calls not actually being received by my phone cause I'm so diggin' this phone otherwise.

Please somebody tell me if they have had this issue and please tell me what "Time without a siganl" means.
I'd say it very well could have been that you hadn't updated your PRL by calling *228

They say to to do this once a month...
i'd say it very well could have been that you hadn't updated your prl by calling *228

they say to to do this once a month...

that's not what i'm saying though....it seemed to do it after i did a prl update.

I just went and updated my phone too evrc-b too and now my percentage is 1% for "time without a signal". I'm so confused.
Huh...yeah that is puzzling....

Do you have good service where you're at?
Huh...yeah that is puzzling....

Do you have good service where you're at?

So far I have had a good signal. Like I said earlier or in my introduction I've only had the phone for 2 days now. I have 3-4 bars at home and 2-4 bars usually at work. I have to wait till tonight when I go to my girls house in NY to see how it is there.

But now that I aswitched to EVRC-B the "time without a signal" went from 50% to 0% after i changed that.:confused:
I'm having an issue with this myself. I show 15% no signal. That, IMHO is 15% too much.

I have a work order out on my issue. Verizon was suppose to get back to me in 48 hours, so I called today. All they can tell me is that an engineer has been assigned to the ticket and he may have to come out to check my signal.

I would suggest that the OP give Verizon a call and see if they can help him out. 50% is far worst then 15%. I should mention that I'm giving the read out from my home, when I went to a store about 15 miles away I had 5 bars and 3g. Currently I'm lucky if I have 2 bars and 1x.