Thunderbolt display


Mar 11, 2010
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Does anyone know how the TB display stacks up against some of the other, high-end displays, such as the iphone and the Galaxy S Super AMOLED? Reportedly, these two phones have the most "hyped" displays... I haven't really heard anything referencing how the TB display is supposed to stack up...
Does anyone know how the TB display stacks up against some of the other, high-end displays, such as the iphone and the Galaxy S Super AMOLED? Reportedly, these two phones have the most "hyped" displays... I haven't really heard anything referencing how the TB display is supposed to stack up...

Also curious to know how this stacks up to an iphone or super amoled screen. Looks good from the videos I have seen so far, but awfully hard to tell until you see it in person or at least have specs on it.

Edit: just looked up specs and it looks like 480x800 is the screen resolution. Not sure on anything past that though.
One of the things I like about the bionic is the higher res screen (qhd). I'd like more resolution .... 800x480 is the same as the original droid.
The screen res has not been an issue to me, its not my home theatre its a phone.
Does anyone know how it will compare to the OG droid screen?

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The SLCD screen on the ThunderBolt will not be as good as the qHD screen of the Bionic, the iPhone's screen (best available), or the SAMOLED on Samsung phones. However, it will be an improvement over the screen technology on the Incredible and EVO. Look on YouTube for the unboxing video that was recently posted. That should give you a good idea of how bright the colors are, and how clear and crisp the picture is. I think it will be great for my needs (and most other people's as well), although not quite as good as those others available out there.

I think the more important issue is how much the screens drain the battery.
Honestly in every single video I've seen with both the bionic and thunderbolt, the thunderbolt looks brighter and more vibrant than the bionic, if it is different than its not noticeable.
The screen res has not been an issue to me, its not my home theatre its a phone.

This times a thousand. Qhd is just barely better than DVD which I haven't watched for years....

I don't care, the higher resolutoin the better as far as I am concerned. There is such a huge difference between the phones of today and those of a year ago in terms of screen resolution. and the iphone does have a nicer screen than any current android phone, unfortunately.
It is a big help on small text. But iphone screen is so small the text is bigger on the 4.3s and just as visible with the lower res