This stuff was also driving me bonkers and I found an excellent solution. I've seen many people recommend "launchers" but I didn't realize what the could do. I downloaded Go Launcher Ex from the market and the install was super easy. I was still a little confused on what it could do but the developer has a video posted (search google for Go Launcher Ex and you'll see it under android market). The video really helps explain all the stuff you can do with a launcher... my favorite being that you can hide any of those icons you don't want to see and you won't see them again unless you really want to. So, yes the stuff is still on the phone, but it is hidden away. This has been the perfect solution for me. With the Nexus you could actually remove any app you wanted to and I'm hoping with the rezound ICS upgrade we'll be able to do that too, but I'm doubting it.
Stinger, if you're like me, this kind of thing is way over my head! :blink: :biggrin: I really wanted to use the cleantool but the more I read about it the more I realized I didnt know what I was doing.