All I have to say is, if you want the latest technology, I don't think you'd find that over at Apple. In my opinion, Android has taken the lead and doesn't look like its going to slow down any bit. Jelly Bean put Android in the lead as it can do just about everything iOS does and some, without the lag anymore as well. I can only see Android improving from here on out and iOS playing catchup. Imo, Apple has become stale ever since the passing of Jobs and it doesn't seem like anyone there is even half as innovative as he was.
That's not to say the iPhone is a bad phone, it's a terrific phone and it still sets the bar. I've heard many longtime Android users switching to the iPhone, some ending with happiness, some left wanting parts of Android back. I've also heard many longtime Apple users jump over to Android and haven't looked back. It's all personal preference and I'll leave it at that. Good luck on your decision, but no matter which one you make, both OS are here to stay for quite awhile.