Thinking of a trade


New Member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hello everyone I am a D2G I haven't posted in the wrong forum...looking for opinions instead. I am seriously considering a straight up trade for a Droid X. My reasons for wanting an X include:

Larger screen
I don't need a hardware keyboard
Looking for the ability to customize with a (relatively) wide range of ROMS

I do love my D2G but have recently become less than happy with the custom ROM options especially. I am admittedly the type of guy who can't leave well enough alone. Pick up my phone week to week and you will likely find a new (ADW) theme, custom icons, maybe Widgetlocker is on, maybe not this week etc etc. But there's not much else other than Fission, and im not willing to embrace the (admirable) GET R Done ROMER yet without it being fully functional (realistically speaking, probably never)

So am I correct in my assumption that the X covers me on all of the above? Aren't there more ROM options out there for you guys?

I still want a close to state of the art phone...can't invest in a TB now anyway so I was thinking the X might be a good choice, assuming somebody will go for a trade...that will be my problem to solve.

Opinions? Comments? Issues I should be thinking about that I might have missed? I welcome all


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Love my X. Nuff said :)

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
My opinion...take it for what its worth...

I love my DX...hands down one of the best phones I have ever had, and i have had a ton over the years.

I dont care for a mechanical keyboard, my last phone didnt have one, so it was easy for me to transition over to the DX. The large 4.3" screen really does make it easy for 1 handed typing in portrait mode, and flip it to landscape and it becomes even easier as well for two-handed action.

The hardware differences between the D2G and the DX is minimal...only 200mhz, and depending on the X you get, can be made up by overclocking. The D2G is locked at 1.2, so thats as fast as it will go...some DX users have gotten to 1.4-1.5ghz...YMMV. I personally dont see a reason to overclock...I just started 2 days ago down clocking my phone to see what additional battery life I can get...:)

Speaking of battery life, the DX is heads and shoulders above almost all other Droids. With a bit of common sense, its is very easy to get 12-15 hours normally out of the stock battery. With a bit more modding, you can get 20-30 hours...

ROMS are by out there for the DX, but just know that they all are not "full" ROMS due to the locked bootloader and thus not having custom kernels. Having said that, there are quite a few ROMS to choose from, from Blur based to Blur-less...Liberty, Rubix, Gummy, DarkSide, Chevy etc, etc etc...plenty to choose from.

I personally dont think you wouldnt like a I dont know you either, and its not my money I am playing with, since technically you will be losing a few bucks in the trade...good luck!
Thanks for all the quick feedback. More the merrier. Another question springs to mind. What version of Android is the X up to? Looking it up, it shipped with 2.1...did we get to 2.2 yet?

Wondering what the last poster meant by "depending on which X you get"...

Thanks again everybody

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
OP, if the point of your thread is simply to find out if the X will fit your needs then no problem. However if you're looking to wheel and deal, that's not going to happen. No trading/selling in the Forum. Thank you.
@Hookbill nope I know the rules...not shopping here...sorry if I should have made that clearer up front. Appreciate the input from everyone here. These forums are the best

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
Thanks for all the quick feedback. More the merrier. Another question springs to mind. What version of Android is the X up to? Looking it up, it shipped with 2.1...did we get to 2.2 yet?

Wondering what the last poster meant by "depending on which X you get"...

Thanks again everybody

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App
What I meant by "depending on the X you get", is that each X is slightly different as far as how they will overclock. Some have reported getting 1.5ghz out of their phones and being rock solid on staility, while others had to struggle to get to 1.2ghz and their phones werent stable even at the low overclock.

As much as we would like to think all phones are created equal from the manufacturer, in reality, they arent...there are deviations...same as PC processors.
I think assuming you could find someone to do the trade it would be a good deal.