Thinking about unrooting


Sep 10, 2010
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Hi all, I am thinking about unrooting my Droid 2. Why? There is one main reason. If it were to break and I would need to get a replacement and there was no way for me to unroot before I returned it, I would be screwed. It is an expensive device and if I broke it and couldnt get a replacement then I would have to go back to my flip phone. My dad would not buy me another one, but I don't know that I can give up the freedom of having root access. My phone runs so much faster and smoother without all the blur. I can also save tons of battery with SetCPU. I dont know what I should do.
Depending on how you break it you could still return it to stock. If it is totally broken they probably wont know you were rooted.
Has anyone ever actually had Verizon or an insurance company call them on being rooted? Denied a claim? Technically they can do it but in reality I doubt it happens much. If at all.
I guess, Im probably not going to unroot but I just have to be very careful. Hopefully if it does happen, the Verizon people will be understanding.
Has anyone ever actually had Verizon or an insurance company call them on being rooted? Denied a claim? Technically they can do it but in reality I doubt it happens much. If at all.
I've never heard of it happening. Not sure why people worry about it.
Has anyone ever actually had Verizon or an insurance company call them on being rooted? Denied a claim? Technically they can do it but in reality I doubt it happens much. If at all.

I can tell you that I've had my Eris replaced four times, my Droid 1 replaced two times, and my Droid 2 replaced once, and I've never run into any problems returning a rooted device. *knock on wood*
If you were to break it to the point you couldn't unroot it then it'd be an insurance claim and not a return to Verizon for repair. The insurance company doesn't care if it's rooted or not, just that you pay your co-pay.
Thanks everyone for replying. I feel much better now.