Lets get this straight first.....I am NOT having the problems with my Bionic like most ppl are having as far as it cutting off and other strange crap. Secondly, I've been sitting here wondering is the RAZR that much better than the Bionic? If it is then I would sell it and just pay the rest on for the Razr IF its worth it. But if not, why bother. Spec wise they're pretty close. Dont know how much faster it can be over the Bionic since everything on mines is sssoooo instant. My battery life is great and i dont have a problem with my screen like most ppl claim since my screen is never up my nose. Honestly, I want to wait on this update to come for it and see what changes I get but then again I wanna be on top of the smartphone game here where I am. Havent rooted yet, was going to wait til after the first update. WHAT TO DO?