Theme Request.. your request I mean.

Hey man. Looking good. Looks like chrome to me. Doing an awesome job. Can't wait for this theme.
Here's andy....


  • usb_android.png
    21.5 KB · Views: 224

I fixed yor quote :)

I had help from Mbk and leprophotography. They showed me how. Those are my 1st two image attempts.
You are the masters! Exactly what I was envisioning when I suggested the chrome theme. That is going to look awesome. Can't wait.
I agree that is what I was thinking as well looks sweet

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Personally, I prefer 24k Platinum, than chrome...
Anyways, here's the 24k Platinum edition....

That looks pretty nice leprophotography. Hey quick question? How do you make the Beautiful widget skins?
Hey Android, making BW skins are pretty easy actually, no programming skills involves, basic photoshop stuff. :)

All I did was playing around in Photoshop from curves, levels, burning and dodging, that's pretty much it.
Hey Android, making BW skins are pretty easy actually, no programming skills involves, basic photoshop stuff. :)

All I did was playing around in Photoshop from curves, levels, burning and dodging, that's pretty much it.

Oh... I see. I'll try to edit one from my SD Card. Thanks!
I think I am gettnig better at this... : ) I.e. starting to be happy with the end result. Need some input guys, there are images in a few posts including this one. Let me know which color scheme you like best by putting a post number on it.


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I think I am gettnig better at this... : ) I.e. starting to be happy with the end result. Need some input guys, there are images in a few posts including this one. Let me know which color scheme you like best by putting a post number on it.

Looks great!
I agree. 72 just looks like chrome should. lepro's is pretty nice (and he knows what he's doing, trust me), but, it just seems too whitish (that a word?) And my previous attempts seem to greyish.