All credit goes to jspidah over at XDA for the original post....Enjoy
Orig link: [Port] JAMT DL09 Flat Black & White Versions 1/26 - xda-developers
[Port] JAMT DL09 Flat Black & White Versions 1/26
WARNING - Very beta
Tested by me on DL09, Blackhole 3.0.
Make sure everything's deodexed.
1/26/11: Built off of DL09 AOSP W/Reboot Options/Accurate Battery by bendbowden: [MOD] DL09 AOSP/Puzzle Lock with Reboot Options (added accurate batt) - xda-developers
-Should work fine without the DL09 Theme Fix.
Thanks to:
DtatchD, Retrokid
Original creator: Classical Gas
[Theme] 2.2.0 JAMT - Just Another Minimal Theme (DF6.1, OD4.0.37, Oxygen0.2.2) - xda-developers
Flat Black version 0.1 01/26/11
Flat White version 0.1 01/26/11
Flat White version 0.1 1/26/11
Now has Reboot Options!
-Should work without the DL09 Theme Fix (in fact, if you flash Theme Fix after these themes, it'll give you Glass/Puzzle Lockscreen
-In order to get White Clock after flashing White JAMT, re-flash Black JAMT (put the black services.jar in there)
-These themes have services.jar edits in them. May take a little longer than normal to boot.
Please leave comments/suggestions. Help me debug and learn!
I'm open to change anything. If I have kanged from you, please tell me so I can either credit you or take out whatever i took.
Orig link: [Port] JAMT DL09 Flat Black & White Versions 1/26 - xda-developers

WARNING - Very beta
Tested by me on DL09, Blackhole 3.0.
Make sure everything's deodexed.
1/26/11: Built off of DL09 AOSP W/Reboot Options/Accurate Battery by bendbowden: [MOD] DL09 AOSP/Puzzle Lock with Reboot Options (added accurate batt) - xda-developers
-Should work fine without the DL09 Theme Fix.
Thanks to:
DtatchD, Retrokid
Original creator: Classical Gas
[Theme] 2.2.0 JAMT - Just Another Minimal Theme (DF6.1, OD4.0.37, Oxygen0.2.2) - xda-developers
Flat Black version 0.1 01/26/11
Flat White version 0.1 01/26/11

Flat White version 0.1 1/26/11

Now has Reboot Options!
-Should work without the DL09 Theme Fix (in fact, if you flash Theme Fix after these themes, it'll give you Glass/Puzzle Lockscreen
-In order to get White Clock after flashing White JAMT, re-flash Black JAMT (put the black services.jar in there)
-These themes have services.jar edits in them. May take a little longer than normal to boot.
Please leave comments/suggestions. Help me debug and learn!
I'm open to change anything. If I have kanged from you, please tell me so I can either credit you or take out whatever i took.