All credit goes to Syn Ack over at XDA for this theme
Orig link: [THEME] [HYBRID] [EB01] STEALTH v1.0 - xda-developers
First off, the thanks:
sbrissen (5 Locks and Boot options)
This theme is straight based off Adrynalyne's latest SuperClean 2.9 (part of his theme is done by Kenesis). It takes a good bit of his original theming mixed in with a lot of the Mimialist theme from jspidah from here. Also I have included a few things from my own personal BWT theme located here.
I wanted this to be a lightweight change from Adrynalyne's original SuperClean 2.9. The file is only 9mb! I wanted to incorporate some stealth-like blackness into it along with transparencies and simple minimalist things. Also included are my battery icons as well as a few other things such as random png's.
If you're still reading, FLASH THIS!! It's REALLY good looking, honestly.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. This is going to be my daily driver for a good while.
DOWNLOAD: Minimal Stealth v1.0
Orig link: [THEME] [HYBRID] [EB01] STEALTH v1.0 - xda-developers
First off, the thanks:
sbrissen (5 Locks and Boot options)
This theme is straight based off Adrynalyne's latest SuperClean 2.9 (part of his theme is done by Kenesis). It takes a good bit of his original theming mixed in with a lot of the Mimialist theme from jspidah from here. Also I have included a few things from my own personal BWT theme located here.
I wanted this to be a lightweight change from Adrynalyne's original SuperClean 2.9. The file is only 9mb! I wanted to incorporate some stealth-like blackness into it along with transparencies and simple minimalist things. Also included are my battery icons as well as a few other things such as random png's.
If you're still reading, FLASH THIS!! It's REALLY good looking, honestly.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. This is going to be my daily driver for a good while.
DOWNLOAD: Minimal Stealth v1.0