All credit goes to nitsuj17 over at XDA for this awesome port...
Orig link: {Theme}{Port} EB01 Lucid v1.0 *2.26.11* - xda-developers
{Theme}{Port} EB01 Lucid v1.0 *2.26.11*
*im not responsible for anything that happens to your phone*
heres a port of the amazing lucid theme by sonnysekhon originally for the nexus one..original thread here
this is for eb01 deodexed roms (aosp version here)
sonnysekhon for creating the theme...all i did was port it
sbrissen for 5 lock mod, battery pop up disable, reboot options, acc battery, aosp phone answer...this list goes on and on
dtatchd for the pulldown menu edits
adrynalyne for gv modded dialer and all the work he does on this phone
thatdudebutch for asking for this to make it to touchwiz (i wasnt planning on doing it)
*cwr install*
Orig link: {Theme}{Port} EB01 Lucid v1.0 *2.26.11* - xda-developers

*im not responsible for anything that happens to your phone*
heres a port of the amazing lucid theme by sonnysekhon originally for the nexus one..original thread here
this is for eb01 deodexed roms (aosp version here)
sonnysekhon for creating the theme...all i did was port it

sbrissen for 5 lock mod, battery pop up disable, reboot options, acc battery, aosp phone answer...this list goes on and on

dtatchd for the pulldown menu edits
adrynalyne for gv modded dialer and all the work he does on this phone
thatdudebutch for asking for this to make it to touchwiz (i wasnt planning on doing it)
*cwr install*