Let me know if you find any issues but this should be done and FINAL. This is for UD2.0.0 I made this for the D1 but I believe it should work on the Dinc if anyone wants to test it out. PLEASE NOTE.. New ROM, haven't even installed it on my phone yet. If there are issues, let me know so I can fix them.
UD's Buggy Apps...
Down at the bottom of this post, I have attached a .zip file that will revert the camera, calculator, bluetooth and 3Dgallery back to a working order. Install the zip as an update.zip thru CW. You do not need to rename it.
ADDED: Themed UD's new Phone app, the media uoploader app and the media provider app. USE whatever FONT YOU WANT NOW!!
Props to Cuttalott (wherever you are).
This time around, I did not port the theme. It was done by hand so hopefully that provides a better "complete" job.
UPDATE: Thanks to drrickryp, the theme now works on the Incredible! Not only did he show me why it didn't work so I could fix it but, he did it himself AND posted it so that I could get it and put it up on my website for anyone to use!!! GOOD STUFF!
Apps included and themed..
Facebook (thanks to jasonppp)
Twitter (thanks to jasonppp)
Vending (Market)
YouTube (thanks to jasonppp)
I am taking requests....let me know what app you want themed. You will have to post the apk file though. I don't want to install a bunch of apps that I may not be in need of or using. You can ask though, I may already have the app on my phone.
AS ALWAYS.. make a backup before you install. I used CW to install. Should work just fine and dandy with SP but.. I don't know cause I didn't try it.
I NEED NEW SCREENSHOTS!!!! If you have the time, post up or PM me and I will put your screen here in the OP with credit. 1st come 1st served.
Wallpapers and extra icons www.metamorphosex.com/Wallpapers_&_Icons.zip Just unzip the file and put the unzipped folder on your SD card.
I thought this would be beneficial to some (most, maybe) people.
If you are a swype user, I reccomend this link MetaMorph themes for swype
If you are a D2 keyboard (multi-touch) user, I reccomend this link Droid 2 keyboard Mods
My theme uses the stock keyboard. I personally use the D2 keyboard. Skeaky_zekey, who made the swype one and thebowers, who made the D2 one did a NICE job on these in many colors. Yes red is one of them.
I give these links for ease of use in conforming to the color red if using my theme. I in no way helped either of these guys make those and I am taking 0 credit for anything. I just thought it would help those looking for a complete look to the phone.
UD's Buggy Apps...
Down at the bottom of this post, I have attached a .zip file that will revert the camera, calculator, bluetooth and 3Dgallery back to a working order. Install the zip as an update.zip thru CW. You do not need to rename it.
ADDED: Themed UD's new Phone app, the media uoploader app and the media provider app. USE whatever FONT YOU WANT NOW!!
Props to Cuttalott (wherever you are).
This time around, I did not port the theme. It was done by hand so hopefully that provides a better "complete" job.
UPDATE: Thanks to drrickryp, the theme now works on the Incredible! Not only did he show me why it didn't work so I could fix it but, he did it himself AND posted it so that I could get it and put it up on my website for anyone to use!!! GOOD STUFF!
Apps included and themed..
Facebook (thanks to jasonppp)
Twitter (thanks to jasonppp)
Vending (Market)
YouTube (thanks to jasonppp)
I am taking requests....let me know what app you want themed. You will have to post the apk file though. I don't want to install a bunch of apps that I may not be in need of or using. You can ask though, I may already have the app on my phone.
AS ALWAYS.. make a backup before you install. I used CW to install. Should work just fine and dandy with SP but.. I don't know cause I didn't try it.
I NEED NEW SCREENSHOTS!!!! If you have the time, post up or PM me and I will put your screen here in the OP with credit. 1st come 1st served.
Wallpapers and extra icons www.metamorphosex.com/Wallpapers_&_Icons.zip Just unzip the file and put the unzipped folder on your SD card.
I thought this would be beneficial to some (most, maybe) people.
If you are a swype user, I reccomend this link MetaMorph themes for swype
If you are a D2 keyboard (multi-touch) user, I reccomend this link Droid 2 keyboard Mods
My theme uses the stock keyboard. I personally use the D2 keyboard. Skeaky_zekey, who made the swype one and thebowers, who made the D2 one did a NICE job on these in many colors. Yes red is one of them.
I give these links for ease of use in conforming to the color red if using my theme. I in no way helped either of these guys make those and I am taking 0 credit for anything. I just thought it would help those looking for a complete look to the phone.