[THEME] Droid-DeLicious Theme apeX by DroidzforLife
DroidzforLife's first ever theme !!!
I hope you guys like it so I can make more...
Let me know if you find any bugs or have any advice on what to change, keep or whatever. I really enjoy doing this so hook me up with some FEEDBACK!
This theme is a compilation of my favorites plus a few extra tweaks of my own. I hope you like it so far and can help me improve it.
This theme will only work with the Droid 2 ported apeX ROM...
Basic Theme Install Instructions:
1. Use Koush's bootstrap to acces clockwork recovery menu
2. Make a back up (optional)
3. Mount /system
4. Install zip from sdcard (choose your zip)
5. Yes - install
6. IMPORTANT! : Make sure to unmount your /system before you reboot.
If you click on the download link below, then I will assume you are not going to blame me if you F($)#@ up your phone. Every time you click on that link it saves your ip address to a secret location in Antarctica where I keep my server and this is how I will verify your consent...
[THEME] DroidDeLicious_apeX_v1.0.7 -= DOWNLOAD =-
[THEME] DroidDeLicious_apeX_v1.0.7(White Battery) -=DOWNLOAD=-
Everything is the same in both theme's except the battery color.
_______________-=White Battery=-_________________________________________ -=Green Battery=-_____________
UPDATED 12/18/2010 :
Added two new keyboards and alot more icons that match the theme through out the rom...
DroidzforLife's first ever theme !!!
I hope you guys like it so I can make more...
Let me know if you find any bugs or have any advice on what to change, keep or whatever. I really enjoy doing this so hook me up with some FEEDBACK!
This theme is a compilation of my favorites plus a few extra tweaks of my own. I hope you like it so far and can help me improve it.
This theme will only work with the Droid 2 ported apeX ROM...
Basic Theme Install Instructions:
1. Use Koush's bootstrap to acces clockwork recovery menu
2. Make a back up (optional)
3. Mount /system
4. Install zip from sdcard (choose your zip)
5. Yes - install
6. IMPORTANT! : Make sure to unmount your /system before you reboot.
If you click on the download link below, then I will assume you are not going to blame me if you F($)#@ up your phone. Every time you click on that link it saves your ip address to a secret location in Antarctica where I keep my server and this is how I will verify your consent...
[THEME] DroidDeLicious_apeX_v1.0.7 -= DOWNLOAD =-
[THEME] DroidDeLicious_apeX_v1.0.7(White Battery) -=DOWNLOAD=-
Everything is the same in both theme's except the battery color.
_______________-=White Battery=-_________________________________________ -=Green Battery=-_____________
UPDATED 12/18/2010 :
Added two new keyboards and alot more icons that match the theme through out the rom...
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