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The "Thanks Thread"


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
OK people.. don't post your issues or your ish list here.. this thread is for one thing only.... if you like BD's work and RafficaX's assistance, post here. Let them know how you feel..... compliments are never a bad thing.

I will lead by example....

BD and RafficaX.. thanks for all the hard work. I'm not sure I would really care so much about my Droid and I am sure I would have never taken the time to learn about themeing if it weren't for UD.

Keep on rocking out! And please never forget about the OG...OD! D1!!!

Also, for anyone who is so inclined to care.... I did and will continue to DONATE to BD... I can't even imagine the amount of hours put into making a ROM, let alone nightlies... dude thats nuts. Locked in to making updates every single night.... THAT.... is dedication!!
I would also like so say thank you. Not only to BD and RafficaX, but to xkape, MBK and all the rest of the themers for all the hard work and awesome creations they put into the themes. Without you guys, we would be stuck with Vanilla.There's nothing wrong with Vanilla, but i prefer it on a ice cream cone. :)
man i almost didnt see this through all the complaint/issue/bug threads...lol glad to see this on up..thanks BD, RafficaX, and the entire staff and everyone else who makes this wonderful rom available!!
Your all welcome and hope you enjoy it and all the future releases! We all put alot of time in on different things to get this rom out and the themes and everything to do with it. :blackdroid:
I want to say thanks as well, to the people who make these awesome ROM's...I tried quite a few before I settled on UD...you guys rock! Thanks to X...your themes rock and the support you give is amazing! And a HUGE thanks to eiker83...I would have been lost a lot of times if it wasn't for you...these forums are a huge blessing and huge help...
Really appreciate it guys, we work really hard to put these things together, adding in features and getting you guys feadback really does help.
I'm sorry I just can't say thanks until the time travel function is finally included in one of the builds! When that finally gets put in I will be saying thank you from the year 1745. I have no reason to pick 1745, it just seems like it would have been a real good year to be alive.
UD for life!!!!!
A BIG thank you to all of the themers as well!! Especially xkape, thebowers, and 928Droid for never "talking down" to anyone!! :dancedroid:

DroidForums junkie!!
Ud is the first rom I tried and found no reason to try a different one. Thanks alot for your hard work, it is appreciated.

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Its things like this that make me scared/worried that eventually I am going to have to part ways with my OG Droid. I love the community and the ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE number of developers that are always hard at work trying to get the next best thing out. And most of the time I have found that there are the least amount of bugs on the D1 that any of my friends have had with other devices. My friend that has an Incredible has a choice of about 2 ROMs that dont have internal memory mounting problems, I turned him onto UD and all of that is gone. He now loves it!

Moral of the story:

I am now a huge UD supporter now and I am getting others to give it a shot because when they do they wont want/need anything else

Thank you.
I tried 2.0 and haven't looked back since. Got all my friends using UD too! Big thanks to BD, the dev team, all the themers and everyone else who has contributed to ultimate droid.

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Thanks BlackDroid

I can tell you what BD does is great and takes much time. if youve seen our posts Myself and Gflam are making a rom and along with doing what he does BlackDroid has helped alot along with a bunch of others this is a great community of open source developing.
It can take a whole day to just get 1 feature added,working and tested.

Great Job BD

Keep up the great work.
I am also so thankful for BD and RafficaX and all the team that works so diligently on the UD community's behalf. I am grateful that I found UD 8 shortly after getting my D1. I have never looked back! I donate when I can and hope everyone who enjoys what these guys provide does as well... I am also so thankful for this DF community! So many people willing to assist with patience when called for and determined problem solving and expertise for all who ask... not to forget a great sense of humor!
Well done!

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