Thread here. I'm a fan and understand the real screwed up timeline with it, but some things are certain like how link trapped Ganon as young link and big link, but he broke free while link was big but never broke free when he was young, and hyrule was flooded too. So that became Wind Waker and since he broke out as adult link time, hell was broke loose and Twilight princess came about in that timeline. (The islands in WW are the mountaintops around hyrule, and in WW you are young and TP you're big)
Also, the new game coming out Skyward Sword was said by the main man himself that t's the prequel to everything.
Everyones hoping it connects a lot of things more also.
Disregarding that (just thought if you didn't know that, you'd find it interesting) whats your favorite game and how much games have you played??
I have pretty much beaten Minish Cap which is a great game. OoT a long time ago, and mainly watch my brother play Majoras Mask and beat it. I also beat Oracle of Ages and I am at dungeon 2 in Seasons, and I'm mostly playing Links Awakening right now.
I've also played a lot of ALttP years ago.
Also, the new game coming out Skyward Sword was said by the main man himself that t's the prequel to everything.
Everyones hoping it connects a lot of things more also.
Disregarding that (just thought if you didn't know that, you'd find it interesting) whats your favorite game and how much games have you played??
I have pretty much beaten Minish Cap which is a great game. OoT a long time ago, and mainly watch my brother play Majoras Mask and beat it. I also beat Oracle of Ages and I am at dungeon 2 in Seasons, and I'm mostly playing Links Awakening right now.
I've also played a lot of ALttP years ago.