The Future of Windows XP

XP on one computer, Ubuntu on another.

I've had XP since it came out and I'll keep using it till 2013, at least.

Same here. I'm riding it out until the end.

I've had this car since 2000 and it's only got 200,000 miles on it and I'm keeping it until 2013.

Yeah you can but look at all the new stuff you're missing. A car in 2000 is a lot different then a 2011 car. Same with Windows. From what I hear Windows 7 is pretty good.

I actually have that car, but older and with many more miles. I put gas in it, keep up with the routine maintanence, and it keeps taking me where I need to go without any complaints. Why pay to upgrade to a new car when I currently have no problem with the one I have? It's cheaper to change a years worth of spark plugs, belts, and oil than it is to buy a whole new car.

If I was told that my car would die in 2013, then yes, I would be forced to upgrade to a newer model due to lack of support, but other than that, why bother? It does what I need it to do.
Ubuntu is fat and bloated with too much nonsense.... its decent for a beginner linux user for getting on the internet but much more then that its useless. okay not exactly useless but defiantly less efficient then it should be.

debain base install is where its at...... that or slackware.
I'm still on XP, it's not dead yet. Still gets the job done.

I like Win 7 but just haven't really had a NEED to upgrade. I will eventually. Maybe this spring.
I too have tried every win os except Me, which I hear sucks anyway. Im actually installing XP back as I'm typing this, I have way to many issues w/ 7. I've had to reinstall it at least three times, the fonts get corrupt, it gets slow, I get BSODs and my games like Fallout New Vegas crash randomly. Okay, so for the slow thing, Ive been too lazy to diskdefrag or clear junk like the temp folder..... But everything else is just nothing I had a problem with on XP. Oh and iTunes is pretty effed up. So im throwing XP on to see if the problem is 7.

As for a pro for staying on XP, I'm going to have a crapload of RAM and my already fast cpu (3.6Ghz) is gonna seem even faster. Only con, it looks old, but that can be fixed I guess...

I tried Ububtu, never again. But to each their own.
I was a big red hat user but I do really like ubuntu. maybe I am just getting lazy in my old age

Ubuntu is fat and bloated with too much nonsense.... its decent for a beginner linux user for getting on the internet but much more then that its useless. okay not exactly useless but defiantly less efficient then it should be.

debain base install is where its at...... that or slackware.
I was a big red hat user but I do really like ubuntu. maybe I am just getting lazy in my old age

Ubuntu is fat and bloated with too much nonsense.... its decent for a beginner linux user for getting on the internet but much more then that its useless. okay not exactly useless but defiantly less efficient then it should be.

debain base install is where its at...... that or slackware.

possibly i find myself getting lazy these days...... the reason i dislike Ubuntu is after you install it you have to spend hours removing excess crap you'll never need nor use. Thats why i do a Debian base install with no GUI then install exactly what i need/want. Youll notice the system runs eleventy billion times better :icon_ banana:

and yeah im an oldschool redhat fan.... i should check it out again i havent played with redhat since RH 3.0 im sure alots changed in the last 6 or 7 releases since then.
XP is the best OS Microsoft has released. Win 7 is just a Vista make over. It suffers from bloat. It is also difficult to manage in a corporate environment unless you completely chug the MS Kool-Aid and have everything in your data center an MS product. Try running 1000 PC's on Win 7 with a Linux data center and corporate Gmail.

For a home user, XP is especially good now that MS FINALLY released security software - MS Security Essentials.
I will agree that XP definitely has it's perks. I will be sad to see it go. I do love my 7 Ultimate though.
Well their are rumors about Windows 8 coming in 2012 which looks good but most of people loves Windows XP because of less requirements, best performance with release of MS Security Essentials, XP looks much better!

But we can't do anything, we have to move out!

You can stay on it....But no security updates will kill it quickly.
Agreed.....Vista was a mistake.

vista wasn't so much of a mistake the problems came from when people tried to run it using the minimum PC requirements. if you had a decent computer with decent ram vista ran just as good as windows 7.

this was Microsoft's faults for listing lower specs then what it really took to run the OS.
vista had compatibility issues like crazy... win 7 seems to have corrected that. they're similar, yet night and day at the same time.

vista's issue was not just sys requirements.... at least not from the experience I had with the computers I troubleshot that were running it.
I cannot stand Windows or IE. Whenever I design a webpage, it alwsys looks frakked up in IE. They are always lagging behind other browsers. I use a Mac and Safari.

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