ICS Android 4.0 AOSP ROM!

Most of you have heard that the Source for Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 was released last week. Ever Since the Source released there has been development all over the place! Who would be the first to get a full port to their device? Developer "Koush", the developer of all sorts of useful things. He is the dev responsible for clockworkmods on our devices. He invented the BootStrap method to circumvent locked bootloaders on many devices. Now he has released the first AOSP Ice Cream Sandwich ROM to his app "Rom Manager"! So far it has only been tested on the Nexus S "i9020A". He has had only a few days and already has a decent build that is pretty stable. It looks amazing!

You should remember that this is still very much a work in progress. So far USB storage isn't mounting and apparently it was too cold for Koush to go outside and test the GPS so that may or may not be working. Also some have reported that the camcorder is not working properly. However, things like WIFI (with a patch), 3G, 2D/3D HW Acceleration, Audio, Camera, GPS "said to be working", Face Unlock, Bluetooth, Tethering, USB, Data Usage Stats, Live Wallpapers, Calandar Sync are working.
For all intents and purposes this is a daily driver! This is good news! Koush is not the only dev that is working on a full AOSP ICS Rom! CVPCS, who got 2nd Init booting on devices like the DroidX and X2, has announced that he has begun work on his build of ICS starting with the DroidX and eventually rolling out to other devices! Also Dhacker of the Th3ory T3am has announced that he is working on his build for the Bionic, which will boot via SafeStrap! Pretty Soon team CyanogenMod will have their version of Ice Cream Sandwich for your device via their release of CM9! These are very exciting times! You can expect a revitalization in development for your device in the coming months!
You can find more info on the Nexus S Rom Here! For ICS news on other Devices keep your eyes glued here!
Image Source: theverge.com
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