I've had my Motorola Droid rooted and overclocked now for a while, It's always been at 800MHz, a friend of mine who works at Verizon told me it should never go past 800MHz because you highly risk frying the phone, but I've seen a lot of people lately who have their Motorola droid at 1GHz+ with no problems, what are the risks of putting your Motorola droid past 1GHz, and what precautions should i take before making the jump to 1GHz?
TLDR; What precautions do i want to take before overclocking my Motorola Droid to 1GHz+, and whats the worst thing that would happen?
Thanks for the help!
TLDR; What precautions do i want to take before overclocking my Motorola Droid to 1GHz+, and whats the worst thing that would happen?
Thanks for the help!