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[ROM] The CM7 Gingerbread ROM (CM4D2-GB) is now ready for prime time!


Silver Member
Through some great work from RevNumbers, with key assists from other devs, the CM74D2-GB ROM has moved solidly into Beta condition - yes folks, the D2 CM7 2.3.5 Gingerbread ROM a sweet daily driver now.

There are no known significant bugs at this point.

Working features:

- GPS/Navigation: Check!
- BT voice commands: Check! (fixed by addition of GB kernel)
- Camera/Camcorder/Barcode Scanner, etc.: Check! (Hard camera button works to launch/take pics as well)
- Netflix: Check! (Download most recent Netflix version from the Market, and install 9/8 build - link below)
- Keymapping on hard keyboard: Check! (Aside from the one issue that is unfixable on non-Blur ROMs, the Alt-Lock key will not function. Easy work-around: Press the Alt key twice to lock alt keys, once to unlock.)
- USB connect: Check!
- Wifi: Check!
- Supports Swype: Check! (Install in normal way using Swype installer)
- Makes your teeth whiter and brighter, and your jokes funnier: Check! (At least it did for me...)

Rev's CM7 Battery Patch is included as well.

This is ready for daily use, and should result in improved battery life over the Froyo kernel based CM7 ROM that we've had up to now.

The ROM is the product of this thread: [DEV_THREAD]Droid 2 CM7 with Gingerbread Kernel. You'll find the download link for the ROM in the OP in the thread at the link above.

To flash this ROM you MUST be on a Gingerbread-based ROM first (stock or custom). It is HIGHLY recommend you flash the newly released D2 GB OTA release and then root and install the latest CM7GB Nightly.

To install:

1. SBF back to stock Froyo - don't root, just get to stock Froyo: SBF - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!; RSD Lite 5.3 & moto drivers - http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=609901&d=1306603535. RSD Lite 5.4: http://db.tt/yGo8M2k (If you're already on a Froyo ROM, you still need to do this to make sure you're on stock Froyo before applying the OTA GB update.)

NOTE: If you get stuck in a boot loop after SBFing back to Froyo, go into stock recovery and wipe data/cache and reboot. Instructions for getting into stock recovery are below in step 3.

2. Download the GB OTA update, place it in the root of your SD card, and rename it to "update.zip". Download this file: Blur_Version.2.3.20.A955.Verizon.en.US.zip.

3. Install using the Update.zip option in stock recovery. Boot into stock recovery by holding the X key when you press the power button, when the triangle with the "!" in it appears, press the Search button on your keyboard (magnifying glass) to enter the stock Recovery menu.

4. Root using the one-click GB root option: [ROOT] Droid 3 root instructions (One Click added for Windows/ Linux/ OSX). Boot up after the GB OTA update is applied, and use the one-click root process to root GB.

5. Use D2 Bootstrapper to bootstrap and launch clockwork recovery (Droid 2 Recovery Bootstrap is available in the Market).

6. Install latest build of CyanogenMod D2 for Gingerbread: See the OP in this thread for builds [DEV_THREAD]Droid 2 CM7 with Gingerbread Leak Kernel. Download to your SD card and use ROM Manager's "install ROM from SD card option, or boot into CW recovery and install from recovery. The most recent build should be at or near the top of the first post in the thread.

Important Note: Once you have installed CM7, do NOT install or use D2 Bootstrapper to boostrap recovery, if you do you will bootloop on the M logo and have to start all over at step 1.

6. Install Google Apps (aka Gapps): Use ROM Manager's "Download ROM" option to download and install the most recent version of Google Apps. You can also download the most recent version as of 9/2011 from here: http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip. If you have Gapps already on your SD card when you are flashing the most recent CM74D2-GB build, you can flash Gapps at the same time.

7. Install Market Fix ap if some of your apps are missing from My Apps or don't show up in the market: Note that you'll need to reapply the market fix any time you flash a new nightly, if you find you're missing apps in the market. It's not actually a zip, just rename the file to remove the ".zip" at the end and install and then run it (app name in app tray is "Market Fix.") File is attached to this post.

That's it, you're done! Sign in and let the Market restore your apps, or use TiBU to restore apps. I would not restore apps+data, just apps, but that's up to you, and if you have problems later it will be hard to tell if it was due to restoring data as well, so IMHO just isn't worth it.

Mods after installing:

- Jake's Mods: [Mods] JakebitesMods v9 for D2 OTA GB Kernel All ROMS! [Mods]. Read the OP in that thread. Recommended for users of this ROM.

Unofficial "nightlies" (which may occur every few days rather than nightly) for the CM4D2-GB ROM are now available at in the Dev thread on Rootzwiki, and in the ROM Toolbox app from the Market:

In the OP in the Rootzwiki Dev thread:

[DEV_THREAD]Droid 2 CM7 with Gingerbread Kernel

FYI: As of the 9/19 nightly, Rev added a new feature to the status bar that requires a clear data in the CM Settings app in Settings>Applications>Manage>All, when you flash 9/19 or later nightlies over a pre-9/19 build.

The new feature is under Status Bar Tweaks - the battery meter can be set to a very thin green line that goes across the top of the status bar to show battery level...pretty cool, borrowed from MIUI.

Settings>CM Settings> Interface> Status bar tweaks> battery style> status bar

In ROM Toolbox. As of 9/21/2011, unofficial "nightly" CM7GB-D2 builds are also available in via the ROM Toolbox app (available from the Market - in both the free and paid versions)

To download the CM7GB-D2 builds using ROM Toolbox: Open ROM Toolbox, select "ROM Manager>RevNumbers CM7 Nightlies" to see a list of available builds. Select the most recent one using the file name, e.g., CM4D2-GB 20110923 is the Sept 23, 2011 build.

Recommended installs after downloading from ROM Toolbox are either ROM Manager or by installing builds manually from Clockwork Recovery, as the ROM Toolbox install flow is not currently compatible w/the current ( version of Clockwork Recovery.

To Install downloaded builds using ROM Manager: Open ROM Manager. Select "Install ROM from SD Card" and browse to the folder "Romtoolbox/Downloads/RevNumbers" and select the build you just downloaded.

To install downloaded builds manually: Press and hold the power button until you get the haptic feedback buzz and the Phone Options menu appears. Select Reboot and then on the next menu select Recovery. Once CW Recovery boots up install the updated build using the Install ZIP from SD card option, navigate to the "Romtoolbox/Downloads/RevNumbers" directory and select the most recent build.

To install the builds using ROM Toolbox: ROM Toolbox is currently not compatible w/the most recent version of Clockwork Recovery ( If you want to you can flash an older version of CW Recovery in ROM Manager and then use ROM Toolbox to both download and install builds, but I don't see any reason to use an older version of CW Recovery that is known to have bugs and was replaced by a newer version just to use ROM Toolbox to install, when there are two perfectly easy install options (above) that make use of the current version of CW Recovery. So I'm not going to post the "how-to" on this one and treat this like an advanced option that folks who really want to do this can figure out on their own. :)

Nightlies are not currently available on Rev's unofficial nightlies page (CM4D2 unnoficial nightly links). Until further notice, see the OP in the Dev thread above on Rootzwiki for the most current build.

Official Nightlies from ROM Manager:

Support for official nightlies that can be downloaded and installed from ROM Manager is being worked on but isn't ready yet. However, many of us prefer Rev's unofficial ones even when official are ready, as Rev adds in goodies that aren't always available in the official nightlies. The unofficial nightlies include things like the battery patch, and the statu bar battery mod, for example.

Enjoy, and consider donating to Rev, he's once again done some great work for the community and YOUR phone! RevNumber's donate link: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/w...63663d3faee8d35d0e363192f28ea2a5d17702da0dbf0
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Next steps will include getting CM4D2-GB integrated into the CM7 nightly process...some work is already happening on that according to RevNumbers.

From RevNumbers 8/27:

1. His unofficial nightlies are up and running again
2. The nightlies a the link below are ONLY for the CM4D2-GB ROM - lucky for us!

CM4D2 unnoficial nightly links

Currently Rev is updating his repro frequently so that the builds are current with the most recent CM7 code as of today.

Hopefully we can find and iron out any remaining issues as this ROM goes legit. :)

Couple of bugs reported:

1. Camera FC from on-screen zoom (zoom using volume keys works w/out issue, enable it in camera settings): From Foxdog - "Camera zoom is working fine here. Try either ruining (in su terminal) fix_permissions && reboot and/or clear data on the camera." You can also run Fix Permissions from ROM Manager.
2. DSP Manager FC when getting a call (not consistently)

Themes (thanks, ldopa...):

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Next steps will include getting CM4D2-GB integrated into the CM7 nightly process...some work is already happening on that according to RevNumbers.

Currently Rev is updating his repro frequently so that the builds are current with the most recent CM7 code as of today.

Hopefully we can find and iron out any remaining issues as this ROM goes legit. :)

Awesome!! I can see this is going to be big! And should be! Awesome work! Donations soon to follow and certainly in order here!! Thanks all!! Checking a few more things...so far so awesome...

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Just made me jump off SS ROM. I am getting my ducks lined up right now. I'll post up tomorrow.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
So, I'm on MIUI 1.8.12 (Froyo-Based). All I need to do is flash Gingerbread, then flash CM7 like a normal ROM? (Doing all the usual stuff - wipe data, cache, dalvik, etc.). I don't need to SBF back first?

And, say something gets messed up, would I SBF back to Froyo, or Gingerbread (assuming, say, I needed to send the phone in, since that might be happening soon)
So, I'm on MIUI 1.8.12 (Froyo-Based). All I need to do is flash Gingerbread, then flash CM7 like a normal ROM? (Doing all the usual stuff - wipe data, cache, dalvik, etc.). I don't need to SBF back first?

And, say something gets messed up, would I SBF back to Froyo, or Gingerbread (assuming, say, I needed to send the phone in, since that might be happening soon)

SBF to froyo to return your phone.

You don't need to sbf to froyo to go to GB, but you either need to sbf or use the TBH sbf zip to get to GB.
SBF to froyo to return your phone.

You don't need to sbf to froyo to go to GB, but you either need to sbf or use the TBH sbf zip to get to GB.

Gotcha! I'll look into theTBH App real quick. Thanks as always for the hard work put into these ROMs. My D2 has went from being the bane of my existence to becoming a joy to use because of these ROMs.
The TBH app is awesome.

Redflea, is there anything for the X? I know it is out for GB, but I haven't seen that its beta, like the D2.

Edit: nevermind, found the X thread. Looks like there are still some stability/battery issues which makes me need to wait, since my classes start Monday.

random rom'd X
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Been working at it all night, get ready for some serious mods coming your way soon!:

-sysctl support
-vm.dirty_ratio = 90
-vm.dirty_background_ratio = 70
-vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 30
-vm.oom_kill_allocating_task = 1
-vm.min_free_kbytes = 4096

-cron support
-flushes vm caches twice a day (3am and 3pm) to compensate for the sysctl tweaks

-InteractiveX gov by default (Interactive governor but clocks itself down to 300mhz when in sleep mode by itself :) ) -thank you imoseyon!

-updated busybox to 1.17.2 with working wget and sysctl and cron support

-build.prop tweaks:
-wifi.supplicant_scan_interval = 300
-mot.proximity.delay=100(It's in the build.prop twice for some reason so I changed them both)

-updated installer-script for permissions for all of the new files and for the newer busybox symlinks.

Files added (In case you're looking later for the newer builds here's a cheat sheet, also you should use my updated installer-script when including these files. It's the same thing in the builds you release just with new symlinks and some permissions that needed to be set.) :


Enjoy :)"

That's what I have working on this build so far!!!! :)
The sun is rising and my d2 is a friggin beast.

Jboxen, those tweaks look nice. I've been running my d2 with almost the same numbers (systcl and others). Good stuff.

The sun is rising and my d2 is a friggin beast.

Jboxen, those tweaks look nice. I've been running my d2 with almost the same numbers (systcl and others). Good stuff.


Lucky you..... I did something wrong (I think with flashing the CM7 file, I think I forgot to wipe data) and bow I'm stuck in a bootloop of the CM7 Loading circle. Cannot for the life of me get to any recovery, sock or CWR. I can load the bootloader but RSDLite isn't recognizing the phone.

I booted into linux to try this method: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-2-hacks/161849-tool-ezsbf.html
I really hope this works!