The "5.7.893 is the official current version" Thread

TI still have 3g/4G issues and apps disappear when moved to sdcard. Serenity now!!!

Same with all the versions I have tried, although the data issues are very minor and acceptable imho. There is no change in the app to sd issue in any of the updates that I have tried. Something still doesn't add up. My opinion of the latest 'news' is that we have now seen the official bug list that will be fixed, but we have not seen the final version. My bet (total guess) is that it will be 5.9.893 and it will fix everything on the list and it will kill root.
Hey gang, I've been lurking around the forum for about a month now but thought I would finally register tonight to throw my two cents in...

I was just upgraded to the Bionic from "my precious" Droid1 about a month ago. I freaking love my Bionic but sho' enough, sho' enough I began experiencing 3G outages today. I live about 45 miles NE of LA - good 3G territory. When I get within 10 miles or so of LA, I switch over to 4G. On my drive in and home today, I never connected to the 3G network.

My forum-lurking had gotten me a little paranoid about 5.5.---'s data-dropping issues so I thought I'd call Verizon to see if they were having network issues in my area OR if I was experiencing Bionic firmware issues.

I'm the Senior Point of Contact (SPOC) on my company's account. We have 36 lines, 3 accounts and spend about $4000/mo. with Verizon. I'm also a Nat'l. Purchasing Partners member. Now I say all this to say: normally when I talk to a rep, they look over my account, see my 10 eligible upgrades and begin to do whatever they can do to make me happy. I'm just a small to mid-size account to Verizon, but I'm sure if I cashed in some of those upgrades, it would make most rep's month from a quota standpoint. To give you an example, the rep I spoke with tonight [keep in mind I went through the Business Support Line and selected the Tech Support prompt] - a "Business & Government Customer Operations" rep - actually emailed me after our conversation to wink-wink, nudge-nudge offer to upgrade my lines for me (her words "...please feel free to shoot them my way...") and was sure to include her direct extension; she knows as well as I do that this would seriously piss my Business Account Manager off, but they ALL do this when I call.

Follow me: I'm going somewhere with this...I explain to her the situation -- no 3G coverage all day -- and this is how our conversation went: with this this a network issue?...(she begins to check the network map) this a firmware issue with the Bionic?...(silence...more map checking)...I'm on 5.5-blah blah, and I know 5.7-- is in the works to fix, my 4G is fine and lightning fast; I'm not calling about are the zip codes that I live/work in, can you check to see if there were network issues between these two areas today? No, again, my 4G is, I'm NE of LA, not NW. Yes, haha, I know 4G is really spotty on the NW side of LA, but I'm NE, 45 miles north where there is NO 4G coverage, but my problem is that I have no 3G coverage during my 45 mile commute to work...yes, I know I have 10 upgrades available...okay, so I should just do a battery pull, right? But this isn't a permanent you know when the firmware update will be pushed out? You know, software for the Okay, so I'll just pull the battery once we get off the phone...yeah, I'll probably be upgrading those lines soon...yeah, you guys have good deals around the holidays...

In conclusion, I believe most V reps have actually NO IDEA what they're talking about when it comes to their network or most manufacturer's hardware that they contract with. It's not always that they DON'T want to help -- they just honestly don't have a clue. Tonight's conversation was one of several dozen I've had with clueless, quota-driven reps over the past two years as my company's SPOC. And I've have gone through 4 Business Account Managers in two years (the burnout rate is high) -- 2 out of the 4 were completely useless. I'm fortunate enough now to have an Account Manager who A) knows what he's talking about and B) cares, BUT he's given SO LITTLE info from corporate that I tend to learn about updates/leaks/devices the same day he does.

I'll keep my ears and eyes open, and will pass along any good info that I get. I truly love the Android platform, my Bionic, and even VW, and am more than happy to help distribute good intel to my fellow compadres...