Tethering Xbox 360


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
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I'm very interested in setting up my Droid X with some sort of tethering, mainly because I'd love to be able to play Xbox live wherever I feel. I know that this is a stretch because of lag issues so I'm looking to find out what the best way to go about this would be. I'm very cautious to root my X, but if it's truly the best way to acomplish this I'm willing, the warnings about 'You may not be able to receive over-the-air updates' just really worries me. What are your suggestions for the best way to go about playing my Xbox 360 through my Droid X's data plan?
I'm very interested in setting up my Droid X with some sort of tethering, mainly because I'd love to be able to play Xbox live wherever I feel. I know that this is a stretch because of lag issues so I'm looking to find out what the best way to go about this would be. I'm very cautious to root my X, but if it's truly the best way to acomplish this I'm willing, the warnings about 'You may not be able to receive over-the-air updates' just really worries me. What are your suggestions for the best way to go about playing my Xbox 360 through my Droid X's data plan?

The only way I can think of is doing it wireless. I am not sure that the Xbox has the support (drivers) built in to accept a network connection off of a usb NIC.

You would have to setup your droid as a hot spot, have an XBOX 360 wireless adapter and use the droid as a modem at that point. Kinda expensive though for the internet speeds you will get, I would not recommend gaming like that over a cell phone 3G connection.
I'm very interested in setting up my Droid X with some sort of tethering, mainly because I'd love to be able to play Xbox live wherever I feel. I know that this is a stretch because of lag issues so I'm looking to find out what the best way to go about this would be. I'm very cautious to root my X, but if it's truly the best way to acomplish this I'm willing, the warnings about 'You may not be able to receive over-the-air updates' just really worries me. What are your suggestions for the best way to go about playing my Xbox 360 through my Droid X's data plan?

The only way I can think of is doing it wireless. I am not sure that the Xbox has the support (drivers) built in to accept a network connection off of a usb NIC.

You would have to setup your droid as a hot spot, have an XBOX 360 wireless adapter and use the droid as a modem at that point. Kinda expensive though for the internet speeds you will get, I would not recommend gaming like that over a cell phone 3G connection.

Right now I'm using Easy-Tether from the android market. It says it has the capability to connect your xbox through your computer( I have a laptop so this is acceptable) using the Windows Internet Sharing feature. Unfourtunatly I won't be home for a few hours so I can't test it once I get it installed until after work. I just don't want to waste the time with Easy-tether if there is a better and faster way to do this, or if anyone knows first-hand that easy-tether won't be fast enough.
not going to happen. just isnt. one of two things will happen. you will melt your X (it isnt built to tether a 360 on live) most wireless routers can barely handle xbox live continuous play let alone a cell phone. or two it actually does work but the lag will be so incredible brutal that youll just get booted or locked out.

you say "because I'd love to be able to play Xbox live wherever I feel"...but you cant play "wherever you feel". you need a power source, a tv. so that limits you A LOT. much easier to just run a ethernet or use a wireless router, since wifi is basically everywhere.

maybe im wrong. maybe the DX will be able to handle it but i doubt it. just dont see it supporting something like that. prove me wrong, because that would be badass if you can
I was on vacation last weekend and rather than pay $10/day for the hotel's wifi I tried out the tethering on my Moto Droid (to my laptop) using PDAnet.

Playing an MMO over the connection, on the lowest possible graphical settings, was a challenge. I was only able to stay online for 5-10 minutes before the connection dropped. Conversely, I was able to browse the internet w/o issue.

I just don't think these phones are meant for that kind of usage yet.
It does work, I do it all the time with my Droid 1. I personally use PDAnet but im sure Easy Tether would work just as well. I hook my Droid up to the PC using the USB cable and log on using PDAnet and have Internet Connection Sharing is enabled. I have my Xbox connected to the PC using a ethernet cable and it works. I would like to try out WIFI tethering but I dont have a WIFI adapter for my Xbox and Im not rooted so.

Now I got to tell you I live in a rural area so the towers I connect to dont get much use so im not sure how it will work for you. I play MW2 and it will lag a little here and there but its playable. I generally get three green bars while playing and it will sometimes get down to two yellow bars.

And a little FYI, you cant do updates using 3G. So what I do is whenever there is a update I need to play a game or anything like that I have to take my Xbox to my BIL's house and get the updates, he has cable.

And another FYI when you are setting this all up and you try to do a "Test Connection" on your Xbox it will probably come back saying something about the MTU. Just back out of the screen where you run "Test Connection" and go all the way to your dashboard and try to log in under your user name and it works for me but it will always fail the Test Connection part when I try.

And to anyone that thinks it cant be done, go on You Tube. There is a video of a guy doing this on a bridge with his laptop, flat screen tv and Xbox all running off a portable power supply and there are also videos of people doing this while driving down the highway and playing Xbox live while riding in a car!
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you say "because I'd love to be able to play Xbox live wherever I feel"...but you cant play "wherever you feel". you need a power source, a tv. so that limits you A LOT. much easier to just run a ethernet or use a wireless router, since wifi is basically everywhere.

I'm aware that an Xbox needs power...

It does work, I do it all the time with my Droid 1. I personally use PDAnet but im sure Easy Tether would work just as well. I hook my Droid up to the PC using the USB cable and log on using PDAnet and have Internet Connection Sharing is enabled. I have my Xbox connected to the PC using a ethernet cable and it works. I would like to try out WIFI tethering but I dont have a WIFI adapter for my Xbox and Im not rooted so.

Now I got to tell you I live in a rural area so the towers I connect to dont get much use so im not sure how it will work for you. I play MW2 and it will lag a little here and there but its playable. I generally get three green bars while playing and it will sometimes get down to two yellow bars.

And a little FYI, you cant do updates using 3G. So what I do is whenever there is a update I need to play a game or anything like that I have to take my Xbox to my BIL's house and get the updates, he has cable.

And another FYI when you are setting this all up and you try to do a "Test Connection" on your Xbox it will probably come back saying something about the MTU. Just back out of the screen where you run "Test Connection" and go all the way to your dashboard and try to log in under your user name and it works for me but it will always fail the Test Connection part when I try.

And to anyone that hinks it cant be done, go on You Tube. There is a video of a guy doing this on a bridge with his laptop, flat screen tv and Xbox all running off a portable power supply and there are also videos of people doin this while driving down the highway and playing Xbox live while riding in a car!
Thanks for giving me hope. My main wish is to be able to play in my car! :D I just went out and bought a Van that I'm going to fix up the back with carpet, beanbag chairs, etc. So a T.V. with a 360 hooked up would be sweet. XD
No problem. And when LTE comes out I think alot of people are going to be tethering for this purpose. Just think, Playing Xbox live while on a road trip!
I see this thread is old but I finally decided to tether my Xbox 360 last night through my rooted DroidX. I also have the Xbox 360 Slim with built in wireless. I was able to play Halo Reach online with ease, in fact I was the host connection. I was even able to watch Netflix it was at the second to lowest resolution which didn't look to bad on a 26" 720p tv. I racked up over 1GB between xbox updates and 4 episodes of bones and one game of halo. Surprisingly the game of Halo racked up the least amount of data. I will be playing Live this way all the time.
I see this thread is old but I finally decided to tether my Xbox 360 last night through my rooted DroidX. I also have the Xbox 360 Slim with built in wireless. I was able to play Halo Reach online with ease, in fact I was the host connection. I was even able to watch Netflix it was at the second to lowest resolution which didn't look to bad on a 26" 720p tv. I racked up over 1GB between xbox updates and 4 episodes of bones and one game of halo. Surprisingly the game of Halo racked up the least amount of data. I will be playing Live this way all the time.

I know right? I play Black Ops quite a bit and had several games that only used 6-8 MBs for a whole game. Halo Reach was the same way. I always thought it used more than that. BTW, I'm using Wireless Tether with my 360 Slim. No issues as of yet
i tethered with my ps3 on gran turismo 5 and it was super fast. not one bit of lag. even did voice chat while playing at worked well