Sorry if already posted. Search feature works but wading through all the results isn't so great.
A few questions.
1. Many have quoted that VZW and other carriers can know if you are using wireless tethering or PDAnet. My question is how?
- Supposed the packets are different from desktop versus mobile user agent. However, I can enable desktop user agent on my Droid. So w/ that said, how can they know?
2. If I tether to my Nook Color or other tablet, how will VZW know? Can they know?
A few questions.
1. Many have quoted that VZW and other carriers can know if you are using wireless tethering or PDAnet. My question is how?
- Supposed the packets are different from desktop versus mobile user agent. However, I can enable desktop user agent on my Droid. So w/ that said, how can they know?
2. If I tether to my Nook Color or other tablet, how will VZW know? Can they know?