Yesterday my Rooted Droid 2 took a dump, and wouldn't boot up. Have had no issues with it up until yesterday. Did a data wipe and factory reset from booting into recovery. Used Titanium Backup to re-install all my apps.
Interesting enough, I did not re-root the phone. I still had root after the data wipe/factory reset. Still had Superuser icon in my app drawer, entered "su" into Terminal Emulator and got the "#" symbol.
So I went to test the Wireless Tether on my laptop. Started the app, my laptop connected to it. When I opened my browser, it took me to a page about "Mobile Hotspot" with a link to the page to sign up for Mobile Hotspot. Needless to say, I didn't sign up.
Anyone have any ideas on what I need to do? I don't use the tethering much, except when I'm on the road with work and need to check email, etc. I'm not downloading movies or music or using it as a permanent connection, I have high speed cable at home for that. :biggrin:
Thanks in advance for any help.
Interesting enough, I did not re-root the phone. I still had root after the data wipe/factory reset. Still had Superuser icon in my app drawer, entered "su" into Terminal Emulator and got the "#" symbol.
So I went to test the Wireless Tether on my laptop. Started the app, my laptop connected to it. When I opened my browser, it took me to a page about "Mobile Hotspot" with a link to the page to sign up for Mobile Hotspot. Needless to say, I didn't sign up.
Anyone have any ideas on what I need to do? I don't use the tethering much, except when I'm on the road with work and need to check email, etc. I'm not downloading movies or music or using it as a permanent connection, I have high speed cable at home for that. :biggrin:
Thanks in advance for any help.