This info about leaked HTC Thunderbolt Accessories, from Phandroid, is a couple of days old, but it seems apropos in light of the recent "weak battery" info regarding the TBolt. There are apparently some useful accessories that will be available soon for the device, and one of them is a bigger battery. According to the leaked Verizon database pics, there will be a 2750 mAh battery for the phone. That's over twice as large as the stock 1400 mAh battery, which should be a welcome add-on to purchase for the phone, (although one could argue that they should have included it with the phone). The battery price in the pic is $49.99.

There will also be available a Wireless Charging Battery Cover for the phone that will be $39.99. It uses induction charging technology and seems to be a "whiz-bang" feature, but may end up being pretty practical under certain applications.

Lastly, the article and pics mention a Multimedia Dock for $59.99 that will prop your phone up in landscape-mode. Furthermore, this dock has the ability to charge a second battery while you use it, which could be pretty beneficial since the TBolt is so power hungry. We'll keep our "ears to the ground" and let you know as soon as any more details emerge on these accessories. Or, as soon as you know something, let us all know in this thread.
Source: Phandroid