Swype's "Hidden" feature


Feb 19, 2011
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I just found a function in Swype by accident: while in landscape mode, drag the swype button down. This opens up a "hidden" keyboard that has stuff that is missing like "delete" (vs. "backspace"), full word backspace (like if you hold the backspace down), cut, copy, paste, aarows!!
i know you can just touch the screen where you want the cursor to go, but maybe my fingers are too fat and I always place the cursor 1 character away from where i want it to be, and I always thought an arrow to bump it over one spot would be nice.

I am not sure yet if this extra step to get to the keyboard it worth it yet, maybe since the "copy" in normal mode has to be scrolled to after a long click it might be the same effort, but I am still getting used to it, we will see!

(Im sure there might be some place mentioned in the instructions how to find this, but i dont remember seeing it.)
You can do it in normal mode also. Just long press the sym button and let off. It changes to the new key board for me.

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It's actually either long press or drag down. It seems to work either way. Must be a certain action that triggers it but I got both to work.

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all it did for me when I did that was remove the "gray" numbers above the normal ones (the long press symbols)
I've been using swype all this time and now you tell me? Good find homie.
You guys are just finding this? Swipe from the swype key to the sym key to pull it up.

Did you also know you can hide the keyboard by swyping from the swype key to the backspace key?
You must have an older version of swype then.

But I don't know how you're getting quip when the q and the p are at the top of the keyboard and the swype key and backspace are at the bottom.
how did you get a newer version than me? I have a Droid X too, i didnt know it was possible on the X!

as for the "qwip", this is how my keyboard is setup (just pulled this off google, it isnt mine, but all the keys are on the top row):
I don't type in landscape, ever. Try it in portrait mode.

But it works in landscape too.

Note: Not on froyo versions of pre-installed swype. Only on the beta and gingerbread pre-installed.
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