The Background
My wife is on a Acer laptop, couple years old 11 or 15" screen.
it gets the job done. but is slowly dieing out.
she uses it for.
Facebook, reading yahoo or other news articles, Skype, browsing eBay, and most importantly
so some paper writing and other such things.
The Questions
i was wondering. the word program on phones is the same on tablets?
does it work well with most file formats?
for the other things listed.
who else has moved from a laptop to a tablet?
is there anything you miss?
would you suggest a keyboard? (that Logitech solar powered one looks sweet
i'm thinking about surprising her for her birthday with a nexus 7. but i want to make sure the tablet will do what it needs to do for her.
so for all those to picked up a tablet. please input your experiences.
Thank you, Tom
My wife is on a Acer laptop, couple years old 11 or 15" screen.
it gets the job done. but is slowly dieing out.
she uses it for.
Facebook, reading yahoo or other news articles, Skype, browsing eBay, and most importantly
so some paper writing and other such things.
The Questions
i was wondering. the word program on phones is the same on tablets?
does it work well with most file formats?
for the other things listed.
who else has moved from a laptop to a tablet?
is there anything you miss?
would you suggest a keyboard? (that Logitech solar powered one looks sweet

i'm thinking about surprising her for her birthday with a nexus 7. but i want to make sure the tablet will do what it needs to do for her.
so for all those to picked up a tablet. please input your experiences.
Thank you, Tom