So, normally I write my “articles” in the Galaxy Nexus thread to keep that section a little more lively once in a while with other things other than the normal, “my phone his *this* problem” and things of that nature because I feel this forum should also be as fun as possible other than coming on to post about what issues you are having. Though, helping other people is just as fun for me, personally, as well. But I decided to put it in here in hopes more people may see this one this time.
My topic today is on the State of Android tablets.
A few days ago I stumbled upon a video from TheVerge called, “Trolling the iPad Line – On The Verge”. While watching the video you will find it is quite humorous, and at one point he gets in line talking to a girl who is waiting to buy “The New iPad” and asks her if she would give up her spot if he would give her an iPad 2. She responds with a yes with the reason being, should just go back to the back and play with that and then buy the newer one still, and around 1:55 into the video he asks this question;
Josh said:“What about for an Android tablet, would you still trade your place in line?”
The Girls Response said:“A who..?”.
You can check out the video here:
This isn’t very surprising at all to be honest. At my school, 90% of the people I know are iPhone users and the people that do use Android, aren’t “internet” Android users and don’t exactly know much about Android as a whole, or even their own phones for that matter. If I bring up the terms “root”, “ROMs”, or “Kernel”, they don’t know much about it other than the fact I’m obsessed with these things completely.
This poses the question that, at least advertising wise, should Android Tablet makers step their game up? I have the Asus eePad right now and friends of mine have no idea what that is. When the new iPad came out the tried to shove it down my throat(they know I don't like Apple) and when I said that I'd rather have the Transformer Prime or something like that, they had no idea what I was even talking about.
I don’t watch TV that often but when I do, I find myself seeing a commercial for The New iPad at least once during the show’s I am watching. How often do or have you seen a commercial for the Xoom, Galaxy Tab, or Prime? Not often if not at all. And when you do it’s almost just a “cameo” appearance in Verizon’s 4G LTE marketing scheme. They never show off the tablet’s and what they can do and what they do have over the iPad(besides screen resolution, for now). However, is this on purpose maybe?
To me, I like having stuff other people don't have. Makes it feel a little more special almost. Maybe their state of mind is, we want people that take the time to find out about other tablet(s) to be the only ones with them. Why (try to) put it into the hands of people blinded by a brand name that wouldn’t consider the tablet if they did see it advertised? While this is flawed it may actually be true. Well, while I do like being the few of my kind where I’m at.. it’d surely be nice to have shared interest among other friends. Maybe when I go off to college in a few months I’ll find more people with the same interests as me.
Anyways, leave a comment on whether you think Android Tablets should be marketed more to compete with the iPad or keep as is. If they would market it more like Amazon does the Kindle Fire, the $200-dollar price point to keep up with the competition may likely be non-issue. I mean, people are willing to pay 700bucks for an iPad, why shouldn’t it be the same with Android? Will the new Nexus Tablet be marketed just as well? Or is their hope people will magically find out the new tablet is only going to be 199-249 dollars on their own?
Thanks for reading and be sure to follow me on Twitter if you like my work! @BlackBlizzNerd (You can click the button in my signature)