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switched from blackberry to droid and ...


New Member
am mostly happy. Battery life isn't even close and just got a lot worse with the 2.2 upgrade. That's how I found this forum. Also wondering if anyone has discovered a better time and weather widget then beautiful widgets?
:welcome: to the forum Adventuretog! I can't help you with the clock/weather thing because I use Beautiful Widgets myself. What's the problem with it for you?
Welcome! If you have a task killer I suggest that you remove it. Check your settings for BT and GPS. If they are doing a lot of searching that will contribute to poor battery.

I purchased BW the first week I got my phone so I've not researched any other similar apps.

Beautiful widgets and other suggestions

Well it's not a big deal, but it crashes every time I go to check the forecast through it and the guys at Verizon said that it may be a big contributor to the bad battery life.
I've experimented with the GPS and Bluetooth in regards to battery life. I have found that the difference between leaving them on or not - is nominal. I will try deleting the app killer if you have experienced a big difference with that.

Thanks for the help and suggestions.
I find the comment about BW interesting. As I mentioned earlier, I purchased that particular app the first week I had my phone. I've not noticed any issues with BW. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling BW? I tap the weather icon quite frequently and have no issues with force closures.

Have you looked here:

Menu, settings, phone, about phone, battery use?

Task killers cause more problems than they solve, in my opinion. The Android OS was designed to handle multiple tasks so it handles dormant apps very easily.

Ok, this will seem like a dumb question but if I uninstall and reinstall do I have to repay for it? If not, how do I do it exactly? I need to do that with my flashlight app as well. It quit working after 2.2
You only pay once. As Tparker indicated your apps (free and paid) are associated with your Google account. Therefore, anytime you change phones you still keep the apps that are associated with your account.

Settings > Apps > Manage apps > Find app > Uninstall > Find in market again > Reinstall. No question is a bad question.

Or go to the market, menu, downloads, scroll down to find your app, uninstall. when it's done just tap install to put it back on.