strange thumbnail issue


Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
New York
Kind of hard to explain but here I go. Recently photos I take with the camera are different from those in the gallery. They time travel almost. The picture in the gallery is of the pic I thought I took but when I select it it's the pic but a second or so later and my son has moved so I don't get his smile. Its the oddest thing. In the thumbnail his eyes are open but when I open the photo they are closed.

Any ideas? This is super annoying!

Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!
I dunno what you are smoking... but pass some over here bro...

Seriously, that doesn't make sense... you could try clearing data on media storage and let it rebuild the database? To go Settings->Apps->All and find Media Storage, open it and Force Stop then Clear Data (this clears the media file database, not the media files, no worries), then go to Settings->Storage and Unmount SD Card and then Mount SD card, give it a few minutes for it to reprocess all the media, might take seconds or several minutes depending on the number of files and there is no indication of what it's doing, and let it reindex and thumbnail everything and open Gallery and see what it looks like. When I had like 10GB of music on my phone, this took around 15-30 depending on what else I was doing, so be patient.
You also may solve the problem by switching to QuickPic rather than fighting with the Gallery. ;)

You can go to the app manager and find the Gallery app then clear the cache AND data. Nothjing will be lost except hopefully your problems. I feel that the Gallery app is a pain and one of the most missunderstood apps on the phone, (or tablet).
I've had issues like that before but this isn't quite the same. I will upload some screen shots to help explain my issue. And I wish I was on something cuz there is no way this makes any sense haha. The thumbnail is literally a second off in time from the actual pic.

Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!
Notice the first pic. The photo in question is the bottom left thumbnail. The second pic is the photo that opens when I click the thumbnail. The Same happens with all photos I take now. After you take a pic and the camera lets you preview if you want to delete or not. The preview I see is the picture in the thumbnail but for some reason when you open the thumbnails the pics are saved as a second after I took them like it took 2 photos and saved one as the thumbnail and one as the actual pic. Idk if I'm being clear or not.



Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!
That is a seriously strange issue. Have you tried to clear cache from recovery?
No I haven't honestly I'll give that a go I suppose.

Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!
How he found it or why I don't know, but with that kind of response from a developer, it is worth some time to check it out.

Thanks for the kind words, acejavelin! I really try to keep up with what people are saying about F-Stop. Helps us to understand our priorities. :)

Jason Seelye
Sigh I guess its factory reset time.

Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!
Yeah maybe. I ROM all my other devices but the rezound seems sketchy in the ROM respect.

Sent from my stock rooted ICS Rezound using Droid Forums!