So about a few months ago I got a Milestone A854/Droid and upon activation the person doing it said, "We just lost 3g that's weird". Unknown to me that is a pretty big problem with the phone model and I ended up getting 3g for all of 5 minutes a day. But I just figured we have bad 3g coverage or else it was a hardware issue. Either way I was screwed I figured so then I accidentally replaced the baseband and had to take it in, thankfully I found a tech who rooted his own and knew how to fix it so he replaced the base band and behold I have had constant 3g all day today, I never once went back to 1X.
Therefor if you have the same problem of being unable to get 3G a replacement of the baseband may be all you need. even if you have reset the phone countless times as I did.
Therefor if you have the same problem of being unable to get 3G a replacement of the baseband may be all you need. even if you have reset the phone countless times as I did.