Stolen Droid 2

gonnadie4thegov any idea how we might be able pull that info from googles server? I have looked in picasa from her account and do not see a thing.
You might be better off contacting law enforcement about this. Because she was held at gun point, they'll take it as a higher priority case and could get in contact with Google faster.
Tell her to take a screenshot (if possible) or try to take a picture of the wallpaper just incase.
Titans she has done the police report and event sent the police photos of the wallpaper that is on her phone. The problem is the police are clueless and frankly so was I until I posted this in the forum. Everyone here has helped more than the police. The police haven't asked her for any of her google account info or even attempted to contact google. What can I say they are useless. I knew enough to get on to some forums and ask for help they won't even do that.
plug the phone into a computer and save the background

post on the internet

thief will be found...