Stock Texting app freezes up the TB

This happens to me a lot! I was surprised no one really talked about this before but I literally feel like just chucking my phone because at certain times it does it SO much. There HAS to be a fix. Ive tried Task Killer, Ive tried using Handcent and it stills happens.
Did you try clearing the cashe? It use to happen to me a lot until I read the suggestion to try that. I did it and [knock on wood] it has been fine since.
I have the same issue on my Tbolt, I heard moving down to a 16gb card might work so Im in the process of switching my stuff over right now and will let you know if it works for me.
Just changed it to GO SMS and no issues since. I understand the update will handle some of these issues so we are just letting it go for now.
I switched to GoSms and changed the SD card to a 16gb and no issues so far. Gonna put the 32 back in and see if it still holds.
that's why you don't buy the first product in a new technology!! DX FTW muahahaha!!!!

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What? I see this often, what technology is so new in the TB? The LTE radio? That has nothing to do with the SMS error. The whole "its bleeding edge" thing is bogus. VZW should let everyone with TB switch out for the Charge.... Charge... Would've been a good name for the TB.... But they couldn't give it the "droid" title.
I have this problem too! Phone constantly freezing while in Stock SMS screen. I have about 256, 157, 100, etc.. # of msgs. I'm sure I could keep cleaering this, but that's dumb. And I've used GO, Chomp, and every other SMS program. But my issue, unless they fixed it, there is no SEND button when you are typing a message in horizontal screen. You have to get rid of the keyboard, or go back, and then send.
I have it to, but i juat deleted my most lengthy conversation, (2000 something) and that seemed to help a lot. And i personally dont like handcent or go ya.

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