Ok, I haven't been able to find this one out there yet. I have a stock OG Droid that constantly has space issues with installed apps. So to clear some space for an app that I could install and then move to SD card, I uninstalled some apps that I could reinstall later including the Facebook updates.
The new app is installed and moved to the SD card, but I'm having problems with getting Facebook back up to date to 1.5.4. When I open the app it's the original horrible version 1.2 that came with the phone. The market says the app is up to date but it isn't. Any help here would be much appreciated.
Things I've tried to resolve this issue:
-Force stop and clear data cache from App Management.
-Checking the Facebook app from the Android Market website: says installed and gives me no other options
-Reboot phone
-Open Market on phone -> My Apps: Nothing available for update
The new app is installed and moved to the SD card, but I'm having problems with getting Facebook back up to date to 1.5.4. When I open the app it's the original horrible version 1.2 that came with the phone. The market says the app is up to date but it isn't. Any help here would be much appreciated.
Things I've tried to resolve this issue:
-Force stop and clear data cache from App Management.
-Checking the Facebook app from the Android Market website: says installed and gives me no other options
-Reboot phone
-Open Market on phone -> My Apps: Nothing available for update