Still having problems


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
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So, my Droid 2 as far as a phone works fine. As far as a camera, it takes very good photos, but getting them from the phone to my computer is impossible. I have downloaded so many "drivers" now and none work. The 'puter nor the phone recognize any driver. There are NO notifications on the phone's notification bar. No icons on the 'puter. I bought a new 4GB card, someone at Verizon told me that my old card would not work because it had been on my other phone. No problem, I need a 4GB card anyway. I bought another PC cord to connect the phone to the 'puter thinking that this may be the problem, not from the same store either. No change in anything. Well, at least I now have two cords. I have a business where taking photos of prospective work is important. I can view the photos after I get home and plan the job, price the job out better. Now I'm having to lug a digital camera around, or either remove the card from the phone to get the photos. What am I doing wrong here? Any suggestions? Thanks, David
Try plugging it on a newer computer (assuming yours isn't), this fixed it for some people.
Oooops, I should have mentioned that I have tried this on my laptop and my desktop. Now, you suggested a "newer" computer. Hmmm, I will have to ask around to see if anyone has a newer computer to try this on. To me the worst problem is the staff at the local Verizon store. They know nothing about these phones. The sell, not service. I told the young lady who sold me the phone that I was going to bring my phone, my laptop, and my cord around to her and see if she could get it to work. She laughed and told me not to as she was not too "computer smart" herself. Not funny to me. I even talked to THE store manager. He says his staff has not been offered much training on the newer "Droid" series of phones. DUH! It's about time they did learn how to use them. Just my opinion here. David
First why did you buy a 4gb card? Mine came with an 8gb already installed. Regarding attaching to your computer, have you checked and made sure your USB connection is set to mass storage on the phone? Sorry if this sounds like an insult to your intelligence but I personally always miss the small obvious things.
The only reason that I bought a card at all is that the phone did not come with one. I've now read some posts where people say there Droid came with a card-mine did not. The Verizon store people told me that my old card would not work with this Droid because I had used it in an older Motorola phone. I doubt that, but I bought the new card. Nor did mine come with a PC connection cord, I don't know if it should have or not, but it did not. I bought one from an Office Depot which was "supposed" to work, and now I'm not sure it's a good, working cord. I bought another from a "Staples", again being assured that it would indeed work with the Droid 2 phone. Not sure if it is the cord(s) or what now. My local Verizon wants $34.99 for this "Motorola specific" cord. I may have to have that "Motorola specific" cord yet.
Today may be an exciting day. I'm taking the phone, my PC cords, my laptop, and smile over to the Verizon store and I'm going to hold every one in there hostage until someone figures out the problem between my phone and my PC. Or they may just adjust my attitude. I don't like to be ugly but-this young lady who sold me this phone is dumber that the proverbial "box of rocks". Someone hired her to sell, she has no techy skills at all. I WILL NOT say this is not all my fault. I'm no rocket scientist either, but I can follow printed directions which I have been doing for two weeks now to no avail. David
David, So let me get let me make sure I understand this New phone out of the box no 8gb card USB cable to attach to the computer? What about charger cable from that should detach and is USB cable to attach to compter. If these things were not there you didn't get everything you should have (verizon site list them under accesories included "8GB MicroSD Card Pre–installed" "Wall/USB Charger (USB Cable") and you need to address that with them too. Good luck hope you get it all corrected.
Something's not right here, but it sounds like you're missing items from your purchase.

Just to check, you know the charger has a disconnectable USB to microUSB cable, right?

Either way, you should immediately return your accessories (extra card and cables) and have a conversation with the manager from Verizon. Explain to them that not only are you having problems that you shouldnt have, but you also did not recieve several items that should have been in the box when you purchased the phone.

I suspect you'll have difficulty convincing the manager that you're not just in the market for a second SD card, but just be nice, be insistant, and elevate the problem as high as you have to go so you're satisfied.
Well, LtKen, it sounds as if while you were posting I was visiting the store. I had to go through five (5) employees to find one who did know that you could link the Android series of phones to a PC with the cord. He also told me that only the "genuine Motorola" cord would work with these Android series of phones. I did tell him that my phone DID NOT come with a PC cord nor the 8GB micro SD card, nor the wall charger. I did get the car mount which uses a different car charger, and the night cradle which uses a different charger, so they may have kept the original charger. He did give me a "genuine Motorola" PC cord and wall charger, which hook together. He would not give me a new card. He stated that the saleslady should have give me the new card and if she did not, she would have to and she would have to pay for it now. Leave that one alone, I have a card. All is well now, the new cord works, for some strange reason.
Weird, glad you got it worked out.

Just to avoid this again, make sure you know what accessories come with the phone when you purchase it. In general, every smartphone comes with a charging cord (USB/AC or AC) and an SD card.

That being said, if you can deal with a day or two without it, I'm sure you can buy a 16gb card on Amazon or Newegg for the same price as the 4gb card you bought from Verizon.

Have fun.