Status bar clock freezes


Nov 7, 2009
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I just noticed something tonight on my bionic. The clock on the status bar isn't changing. When I turn off the screen and then bring it back up, the main clock on the locked screen is accurate but the clock on the status bar doesn't update. I haven't seen this before today and I'm wondering if this is because of the upcoming time change or is it something else? I did a search but couldn't find anything. I am rooted and have some apps frozen but none of them having to do with the clock. Battery pull isn't fixing it.
Mine is doing that as well, and I am not rooted.

Edit: it just 2 am and both clocks seem to be functioning again.
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Mine is doing that as well, and I am not rooted.

Edit: it just 2 am and both clocks seem to be functioning again.

Yep same here. Everything is back to normal. Had to be the time change. Once the time changed, it took about 10 minutes but now everything is caught up. Interesting.
I have an Atrix 2 (same internally) and noticed this problem last night.....but today it seems all is well.