Started with D1 --> Your Next Phone was?


New Member
Nov 23, 2009
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So I'm finally ready to move on from my D1. I'm torn btwn the D4 or Rezound (or maybe the Razor/Max).

I'm not sure I can go w/out Keyboard or not.

Rezound has a great display but bad battery (and is it me or is the screen too shiny).
D4 has keyboard and Gorilla Glass, but qHD screen, but decent battery
G-Nex is too big for me.
Razor/Max is thin w/AMOLED, but no keybard and $100 more.

What I want to know is, what did you get after your D1?

Droid 4


A(n undecided) Bug :)
I went to the d3 then the rezound. I got the extended battery for it and am loving it. I don't miss the keyboard at all. The 4g is fast and the 1.5ghz proc is as well. As for the screen its better then the d3's and I have no issues.

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I went from d1 to Droid 2 global to g-nex and I love g-nex more than the d1, I don't miss the keyboard at all(but I never use keyboard on d1 either), got extend battery and all is good, plus unlock able boot loader, I think the resound has got an unlocked able boot loader also. The Motorola phones are locked down and involve more of a risk to hack, if Motorola would make unlock able bootloaders I would of prolly got the max
I went GNex. Still have that day 1 feeling with it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Started with Original Droid, then went to a new droid 2 via clnr after issues with the screen on original droid being too lose to be usable, that phone I had over a year than after gb update nothing but problems after 4 or 5 replacements they gave me an upgrade to 2 DX2, which I had for about 2 months and now on a galaxy nexus.
D1 > D2 > D3 > Galaxy Nexus.
Got tired of all that locked bootloader nonsense.
Rezound, thought I'd miss keyboard but I don't. Great device
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If you like to tinker then the Nexus or Rezound are the goods right now. The Nexus is pretty much the same size as the Rezound and the Razr.
D1 > D2 > DX > G-Nex and I own a T-Bolt but gave the GF the rights to it.