Well, I wasn't aware until last night that speed test, the same speed test that we use on our Android phones was also available for checking your computers browsers speed on the internet. Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Now take a look at their page. Clear as it can be they have a link for iPhone but not even "Available at the Market for Android."
I don't usually get on the iPhone vs Android bandwagon but this kind of irritated me. It's been available for Android for some time now. What's with these guys?
There is a contact us link. I sent them a note asking them why no mention of Android. If you feel so inclined, do the same.
Now take a look at their page. Clear as it can be they have a link for iPhone but not even "Available at the Market for Android."
I don't usually get on the iPhone vs Android bandwagon but this kind of irritated me. It's been available for Android for some time now. What's with these guys?
There is a contact us link. I sent them a note asking them why no mention of Android. If you feel so inclined, do the same.
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