Sorting contacts?


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Hey all, wondering if there was some way to sort my Favorites list in contacts. I can't figure out how they are sorting it, it seems random. Not the order in which I added them, or alphabetical.

What's the dealio?
for mine it is sorting by first name. I would like to order by last name.
need sorting all around

They really need to add sorting to all lists in the OS...:mad:
Sorting by last name

This is what happens when you let a bunch of 20 somethings program things. In the business world everyone sorts by last name. Suppose you picked up a phone book in a major city and the names were sorted by first names. You would toss it immediately. I have over 1200 contacts in my data base and just moved to the Droid. Had I known of this problem I would have gotten a blackberry. If they don't fix this we will have to dump the phones and move to something that we can use.
This is what happens when you let a bunch of 20 somethings program things. In the business world everyone sorts by last name. Suppose you picked up a phone book in a major city and the names were sorted by first names. You would toss it immediately. I have over 1200 contacts in my data base and just moved to the Droid. Had I known of this problem I would have gotten a blackberry. If they don't fix this we will have to dump the phones and move to something that we can use.

In V2.2

Contacts -> Settings -> Display Options -> Sort list by -> Last name

I guess those 20-somethings aren't complete idiots, eh?

Regarding the OP's question, if you manually add contacts to Favorites, they should be sorted in alphabetical order, but there is another Frequently Contacted box at the bottom of the list that will automatically populate, and this seems to be sorted by frequency of contact. If you have not manually added Favorites, however, this will be the only thing you see and you're right-it will appear to be completely random and cannot be sorted.

On the Droid X you cannot do this so I stand by my comment. If you think you can do this then I am happy to fly you to Washington DC and let you sort them. If you cannot you will then admit that the idiots did program the phone wrong.

I am hoping that when the 2.2 comes to the Droid X they will correct the feature but I will have to wait. And this is something they should have done from the beginning, not in a fix.
On the Droid X you cannot do this so I stand by my comment. If you think you can do this then I am happy to fly you to Washington DC and let you sort them. If you cannot you will then admit that the idiots did program the phone wrong.

I am hoping that when the 2.2 comes to the Droid X they will correct the feature but I will have to wait. And this is something they should have done from the beginning, not in a fix.

As I say in my post, and you allude to in yours, this is in V2.2.

I'll still take you up on that flight to DC though.

You're right, this should have been included from the beginning, but let's avoid sweeping comments that disparage a group that includes some pretty brilliant people (and a lot of members of this forum).
After coming from a phone where the Contacts were sorted by Last Name, I am now more comfortable with First Name sort. Heck, when I want to call someone, I don't think "hey, let's call {insert last name}." I usually think "Hey, let's call {insert first name}". Possibly because I don't go around calling people by their last names usually.

But that's just me. :D

That would be fine but when you have over 1300 contacts in your data base and want to add a Congressional directory it makes if very difficult. I know every member of Congress by their last name but not their first.

I go back to my original point. Suppose you picked up a phone book in a city and they were sorted by first name. My guess is you would put it down and try and find the number some other way.
Hey, I said it was "just me".

And I'm not as popular as you are, apparently. I've got 17 contacts in my phone.

Thanks for making me feel even smaller. I think I'll go sit in my dark basement and let the rats gnaw at my bare feet.
I just switched to Droid2 from Blackberry, I too would have stayed w/ BBerry had I known I couldn't sort by "Last Name" & "Company". This is a MAJOR shortcoming & it needs to be fixed ASAP! They need to add a multiple sort function immediately. I still have time to turn this back in for a $35 restocking charge. I'm seriously considering it.

Another problem is inability to increase the size of the font. Blackberry has it. Why not Droid. It's a safety hazard!!!
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So much for 2.2 having last name sort. Surprised there isn't an app to replace what a piece of crap contact list the droid has.
No sort ability with 2.2 on Droid X

I just upgraded to 2.2 this afternoon. One of the features that I was looking forward to was the ability to sort contacts by last name. However, the keystrokes outlined in this thread are not possible on my Droid X.

Previously, contacts were sorted pretty randomly. Some were sorted by last name and others were sorted by first name. This has got to be the worst possible scenario. After upgrading to 2.2, they're all sorting by first name- a step in the right directon, but not far enough.

I can't believe this whiz-bang phone can't sort the way most of the world does. Am I missing something?

After coming from a phone where the Contacts were sorted by Last Name, I am now more comfortable with First Name sort. Heck, when I want to call someone, I don't think "hey, let's call {insert last name}." I usually think "Hey, let's call {insert first name}". Possibly because I don't go around calling people by their last names usually.

But that's just me. :D

I'm actually in the Military so we do run around calling everyone by our last names. : / So is there a way to sort people by their last names on the Droid X?