New Member
Hello Everybody,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to read my email, that initial private message, or the rules about properly introducing yourself. So here goes.
My name is Christopher, I just turned a quarter of a century old, and I live in Rochester, MN. I'm originally from the U.K. Immigrated when I was eight, and still have a slight English accent when I get angry. I currently have at least 9 different smart phones for the Verizon Network. I tend to buy a new phone every 6 months because something better always pops up and I have to have it. I'm currently running a Motorola Droid Bionic XT875 on the leaked .905 update, which is most awesome and highly recommended. If you upgrade, Google search "Droid Bionic .905 Update Issues", and find the link for the battery and SIM card trick, it's near the third one down, or else your data 4GLTE connection won't properly function.
I do have my phone "rooted", and used SQLEditor for the infamous "Free Mobile Hotspot", again Google search if you want it. If you haven't noticed by now, Google is my best friend, He should be everyone's best friend infact. I have played around with custom flashing ROMs and found it quite easy. However I have not found a ROM that suits my needs or tastes. I haven't played much with the rooted abilities because it usually ends up messing up my phone somehow, so I just stick with rooted Free Wifi, it's good enough for me right now.
I'm planning on attending college in the fall to obtain an Associates in Computer Sciences. I have yet to decide which particular field interests me most, but like most days I'll just change my mind 182 times until it feels right.
I live by one rule and one rule only, respect everything. Not just people, or religious views, political interpretations or ways of life, also respect nature, animals, and most of all your machines, after all they will be replacing you one day, and you never know, they might just keep you around because you respected them. But mostly because they tend to last longer if you take care of them.
I am extremely polite, and very cautious, when it comes to wording things on the internet. And when you break that one rule that I foretold, I can get very ugly. I respect you, you respect me.
I believe that no one has the single right answer, especially when it comes to computers and mobile devices. There are a ton of different ways of doing one certain thing, just ask any linux user, so search and search until you're content and find a way that makes sense to you. Give props to that person and their way because they think just like you.
I'm not really certain if you care to hear the physical attributes of me, but I also don't want you to think I'm some uber nerd with glasses who just sits at home on his computer all day hacking and modding. In fact I'm quite opposite of that. I'm 5 foot 7.5 inches tall. I weigh 165 pounds. I do however wear glasses, have never found a pair of contacts that fit properly. I've brown hair and eyes that match, although my hair changes colors during the summer, it becomes this calico mixture of golds and light bronzes with my dark brown underneath. I've got more hair on my body than I do on my head for some odd reason, have never quite figured that one out.
I'm extremely intelligent and gifted in more ways than one should be. I've always achieved above and beyond my expected capacities in both educational senses and life. I'm actually the only person in my entire lineage to have graduated from high school. I can speak 5 different languages, not including American Sign Language, because for some reason it's never really a language you find on an application or anywhere, unless you're deaf. And as you may have noticed I tend to ramble a lot, like a faucet that you just can't stop from dripping. But most of my brightest ideas have come out of my thoughts rambling on. I believe it's because the more thoughts that are flowing, the higher the brain activity, therefore allowing you to achieve such great thoughts.
My partner (Yes, Gay! Don't Hate!) is a Computer Engineer for Hitachi/Western Digital and works closely with Intel in California and Vancouver. So whenever I have questions I ask him and he teaches me. We are like minded when it comes to programming and computer sciences. We're like two terminal commands that make something happen...LOL! Oh, and I tend to use LOL a lot, I'm currently surprised that I've only used it twice...LOL! Ooops 3 times. I don't know what it is, but there's something about imagining you imagining me laughing. Just cracks me up thinking about it.
Anyways, I hope this is enough of a welcome speech to keep you intrigued. I plan on bringing great things to this community in the future. As soon as I learn my way around the site, and fully understand all the rules...like why an Admin has to approve your post, I don't plan on being rude or disrespectful, number one rule.
Plan On Hearing From You Soon,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to read my email, that initial private message, or the rules about properly introducing yourself. So here goes.
My name is Christopher, I just turned a quarter of a century old, and I live in Rochester, MN. I'm originally from the U.K. Immigrated when I was eight, and still have a slight English accent when I get angry. I currently have at least 9 different smart phones for the Verizon Network. I tend to buy a new phone every 6 months because something better always pops up and I have to have it. I'm currently running a Motorola Droid Bionic XT875 on the leaked .905 update, which is most awesome and highly recommended. If you upgrade, Google search "Droid Bionic .905 Update Issues", and find the link for the battery and SIM card trick, it's near the third one down, or else your data 4GLTE connection won't properly function.
I do have my phone "rooted", and used SQLEditor for the infamous "Free Mobile Hotspot", again Google search if you want it. If you haven't noticed by now, Google is my best friend, He should be everyone's best friend infact. I have played around with custom flashing ROMs and found it quite easy. However I have not found a ROM that suits my needs or tastes. I haven't played much with the rooted abilities because it usually ends up messing up my phone somehow, so I just stick with rooted Free Wifi, it's good enough for me right now.
I'm planning on attending college in the fall to obtain an Associates in Computer Sciences. I have yet to decide which particular field interests me most, but like most days I'll just change my mind 182 times until it feels right.
I live by one rule and one rule only, respect everything. Not just people, or religious views, political interpretations or ways of life, also respect nature, animals, and most of all your machines, after all they will be replacing you one day, and you never know, they might just keep you around because you respected them. But mostly because they tend to last longer if you take care of them.
I am extremely polite, and very cautious, when it comes to wording things on the internet. And when you break that one rule that I foretold, I can get very ugly. I respect you, you respect me.
I believe that no one has the single right answer, especially when it comes to computers and mobile devices. There are a ton of different ways of doing one certain thing, just ask any linux user, so search and search until you're content and find a way that makes sense to you. Give props to that person and their way because they think just like you.
I'm not really certain if you care to hear the physical attributes of me, but I also don't want you to think I'm some uber nerd with glasses who just sits at home on his computer all day hacking and modding. In fact I'm quite opposite of that. I'm 5 foot 7.5 inches tall. I weigh 165 pounds. I do however wear glasses, have never found a pair of contacts that fit properly. I've brown hair and eyes that match, although my hair changes colors during the summer, it becomes this calico mixture of golds and light bronzes with my dark brown underneath. I've got more hair on my body than I do on my head for some odd reason, have never quite figured that one out.
I'm extremely intelligent and gifted in more ways than one should be. I've always achieved above and beyond my expected capacities in both educational senses and life. I'm actually the only person in my entire lineage to have graduated from high school. I can speak 5 different languages, not including American Sign Language, because for some reason it's never really a language you find on an application or anywhere, unless you're deaf. And as you may have noticed I tend to ramble a lot, like a faucet that you just can't stop from dripping. But most of my brightest ideas have come out of my thoughts rambling on. I believe it's because the more thoughts that are flowing, the higher the brain activity, therefore allowing you to achieve such great thoughts.
My partner (Yes, Gay! Don't Hate!) is a Computer Engineer for Hitachi/Western Digital and works closely with Intel in California and Vancouver. So whenever I have questions I ask him and he teaches me. We are like minded when it comes to programming and computer sciences. We're like two terminal commands that make something happen...LOL! Oh, and I tend to use LOL a lot, I'm currently surprised that I've only used it twice...LOL! Ooops 3 times. I don't know what it is, but there's something about imagining you imagining me laughing. Just cracks me up thinking about it.
Anyways, I hope this is enough of a welcome speech to keep you intrigued. I plan on bringing great things to this community in the future. As soon as I learn my way around the site, and fully understand all the rules...like why an Admin has to approve your post, I don't plan on being rude or disrespectful, number one rule.
Plan On Hearing From You Soon,