Sony Xperia Projector Hackathon @GDC2017


New Member
Feb 15, 2017
Reaction score
San Francisco
We’re organizing a GDC hackathon on behalf of Sony Mobile for its upcoming Sony Xperia Projector, the next innovative product from the Xperia line of ‘Smart Products’ that turns any surface into a touchscreen, and wanted to extend the invitation. Android developers are invited to join and get creative with the new product, with both games as well as general apps for everyday use encouraged.

By participating you’ll get early visibility with the Xperia Projector, and winners will receive prizes including cash and awesome Sony products.

Participants need to bring their own laptops and work over the course of 24+ hours to develop and create Android app concepts and products that will be seen by Xperia Projector team members, who will be on hand to help. Participants may register as part of a team (max team size is five people). If you don't already have a team, full or partial, you'll have the opportunity to join/form a team on the day of the event.

If you’re interested, register here by February 27 (link also contains more info on the hackathon): Sony Xperia Projector Hackathon

Space is limited, so register as early as you can. We’ll be reviewing submissions and notifying applicants of their acceptance to join our hackathon. If you have any questions or comments about the competition, let us know!