Hehe.. I thought the title was pretty creative. But it seems like Google ran a benchmark with the tablet using Rightware's Powerboard benchmark. Some of the specs given were a Tegra 3 quad core processor running at 1.3GHz, 768x1280 resolution. Judging from these specs and specs that Android Police was able to acquire from Rightware, this seems to be a 7" tablet hence the name "Nexus 7." It is also running Android 4.1 which is thought to be Jelly Bean.
""os": {"android": {
"model": "Nexus 7",
"hardware": "grouper",
"manufacturer": "asus",
"device": "grouper",
"brand": "google",
"display": "XXXXXX-userdebug 4.1 JRN51B 3XXXXX dev-keys",
"version_sdk": "4.1",
"board": "grouper",
"version_code": "1"
So what are your thoughts? Does this seem like a potential purchase in the future for you?"model": "Nexus 7",
"hardware": "grouper",
"manufacturer": "asus",
"device": "grouper",
"brand": "google",
"display": "XXXXXX-userdebug 4.1 JRN51B 3XXXXX dev-keys",
"version_sdk": "4.1",
"board": "grouper",
"version_code": "1"
We have a sister-site dedicated to the new tab. You can check it out @ Nexus Tablet Forum.
Source: NexusTablets.net via Android Police, Rightware.
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