Silver Member
First off I want to apologize to all of you (Dev's and members alike) for all the posts I made about issues. I have realized that all of them were basically user error and not issues with the ROM. I also want to thank you guys for all your hard work on designing a wonderful ROM for us and can't wait to see what else you guys have in store for the future of Liberty.
Second, I want to apologize to all of you forum members for having to deal with my millions of noob questions and comments. I realize now that most of those were either due to me not understanding or just being a dumbass. It is most apparent to me now that I have a much better understanding of what I am doing here.
Last....the issue....I found that when I called 611 last night, and had the phone on speaker that no matter how many times I entered my password it kept saying it was incorrect. I could hear what sounded like an echo over the line. I tried again today with the same effect.
A FYI....I have also noticed that Backup Assistant is not part of this ROM and is apparently a very difficult APK to find. I would appreciate any assistance finding this as one of my friends who installed Liberty yesterday is without his contacts today.
I am rocking the Gingerbread Blue Theme I DL'd from the toolbox. No mod's.
Thank you guys again for putting up with me and I apologize again for implying that there were issues with this ROM in my previous posts. I have now brought 12 people over to the Liberty team and intend on bringing more.dancedroid
Second, I want to apologize to all of you forum members for having to deal with my millions of noob questions and comments. I realize now that most of those were either due to me not understanding or just being a dumbass. It is most apparent to me now that I have a much better understanding of what I am doing here.
Last....the issue....I found that when I called 611 last night, and had the phone on speaker that no matter how many times I entered my password it kept saying it was incorrect. I could hear what sounded like an echo over the line. I tried again today with the same effect.
A FYI....I have also noticed that Backup Assistant is not part of this ROM and is apparently a very difficult APK to find. I would appreciate any assistance finding this as one of my friends who installed Liberty yesterday is without his contacts today.
I am rocking the Gingerbread Blue Theme I DL'd from the toolbox. No mod's.
Thank you guys again for putting up with me and I apologize again for implying that there were issues with this ROM in my previous posts. I have now brought 12 people over to the Liberty team and intend on bringing more.dancedroid