I will not apologize for speaking my mind.
This topic has been covered countless times on many many forums. In fact, the exact thing he asked for ("an APK install from a phone that support video chat") can be easily found by simply searching.
If what I said came out in a negative light, you're obviously reading it wrong. My question, too, was a sincere one. I can't ask if someone is familiar the most basic of forum functions? I would be more than willing to make a post, hell, even a video on how to use such features. Just say the word and I'll begin the long extensive task of creating such a tutorial.
I would never ask anyone to apologize for speaking their mind. That's what it's all about, right? However, your answer drips with sarcasm, thus how else would anyone take it but negative? All I'm saying is, that if you have the knowledge and are planning on trying to be a useful contributor of information to this forum, and I use the term loosely, based on how many posts you have actually made, then try using a little more patience and a being a lot less condescending... That would be the growing up part.