Skype sound from ear piece


Jun 13, 2010
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Does anyone know if there's a way to use the speaker instead of the ear piece speaker to video chat on Skype? It also doesn't seem to work with Bluetooth. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Never mind. I'm stupid. Just had to find the sound button during call that lets you switch to speaker from earpiece.
Never mind. I'm stupid. Just had to find the sound button during call that lets you switch to speaker from earpiece.

This was not a stupid question. I just got the Droid 4 and tried using Skype and I cannot find the button you are talking about. It is really frustrating. What good is a video call if you cannot use the speaker? I am sure the bluetooth headset may make it work but often times I will be on a call to family members and I'll want to pass the phone off to the kids so they can talk to grandma.

The only buttons I have available during a video call are:
- Toggle Video
- Mute
- Messages
- End Call

If I click the menu button I get a Hold option.

I see no way to switch the audio to speakers.

BTW: My version of Skype is & my phone is Droid 4 on Verizon
I'm running version 2.7.907 also except I'm on a Droid Bionic. I hit the mute button and it defaulted to speaker. Not sure it the Droid 4 is the same. Should be.