Sketch On Line user pics saved to droid, FIX


Nov 28, 2009
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Hi, my name is Irishdroid and I am a Sketch On Line addict.

I noticed that all of the user pics from the game are being stored in my Droid gallery in a folder called "res". As I use Pic Say Pro a lot I found this annoying due to the fact that those pics were also in the "all pics" folder which is what Pic Say uses to select pics to modify. I have found how to fix this.

Download astro file manager. Open astro and select the sketchonline folder, click on the cache folder and a folder named "res" will be shown. Select edit from the file manager and hit delete, yipee, file is gone and these pics will be removed from your gallery.

Feeling a bit proud of myself right, can you tell...:heart::motdroidhoriz::heart: :icon_ banana: