My prediction is 99.9999% of the members here will say Droid 2
hey guys an gals i was wondering becuse im up for an up grade from verizon an i was wondering if i should get the droid 2 or wait for the i phone in january on verizon i heard that it was but any way so yea should i get droid 2 .
moto droid not rooted
Get what's best for your needs.
That being said, the Droid Pro may be coming out in November.
Yeah I had an iphone once, I much prefer my droid 1 and now droid 2. That and ATT coverage sucks.
The iPhone no matter what version VZW gets is still limited. Essentially it is a Droid minus the open market. It is also a Droid minus widgets. All it is is a big app drawer. No more, no less. It's notification system even with iOS 4.x still sucks ass. Not to mention that you haven't rooted your Droid!?!? For the love of all that is good and holy left in this world what are you waiting for?! Root your Droid try a few different ROM/Kernel combos and then the question will just go away and you will keep your Droid well past your upgrade.
The iPhone no matter what version VZW gets is still limited. Essentially it is a Droid minus the open market. It is also a Droid minus widgets. All it is is a big app drawer. No more, no less. It's notification system even with iOS 4.x still sucks ass. Not to mention that you haven't rooted your Droid!?!? For the love of all that is good and holy left in this world what are you waiting for?! Root your Droid try a few different ROM/Kernel combos and then the question will just go away and you will keep your Droid well past your upgrade.
To be fair and play devils advocate, the iphone vs android expeirience are two very different things. The iphone is more fluid and generally had higher quality apps and games (I've been iphone free for almost a year, but there still isn't a good vnc client for android, and there's a reason angry birds got such big headlines when ported to android)
Ios notification system is garbage, but they do have push notifications... which can be nicer then keeping an app open all the time.
And lastly, if you are going to say the iphone has a closed market, then advocate rooting.... the cydia market for iphone is quite open, while only available via jailbreaking.
Just saying, iphone 4 is a sexy phone with the best camera on the smartphone market.... but there are a few keen items keeping me with android. But if Verizon continues the trend after the facinate of ruining phones, especially with their app market... I may jump away from big red.
Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
"demofox" seems like a nice name, but WOW what a troll-type question!!! I'm surprised you haven't been totally banished from this forum! Seriously, did you think some of the Android folks would say " iPhone is totally cooler and the better device. Yeah, you should get one."hey guys an gals i was wondering becuse im up for an up grade from verizon an i was wondering if i should get the droid 2 or wait for the i phone in january on verizon i heard that it was but any way so yea should i get droid 2 .
moto droid not rooted