We have a couple of juicy tidbits of future tech to share with you guys. We found these last night but didn't get a chance to share them until this morning. First, a senior ARM official supposedly confirmed that the 64-bit Exynos that Samsung teased will indeed be showing up in the Galaxy S5 and probably the Galaxy Note 4 as well. That's not all he shared though. Apparently, Samsung is working on 128-bit processors which will be ready within two years. He wasn't clear if these 128-bit processors were Samsung designs, so he could have simply been talking about future ARM designs. Either way, this unnamed exec claims we will see them ready in 2015.
It's easy to wonder what we would need this technology for in a smartphone. Desktop PCs haven't even begun moving to 128-bit processors. He hinted that biometric applications like face recognition will dramatically increase our need for computing power in smaller devices.
There's more future tech news to share regarding the Samsung Galaxy S5. A leaked Samsung CEO display presentation suggests the SGS5 will come sporting an astounding 2560x1440 AMOLED display. This would mean a pixel density of 560, and most likely would result in a 5.3-inch device. This is another move in which we question its wisdom if true. At that high of a resolution, the energy consumption would likely not be worth the payoff. With such a small screen, would there really be that much of a display quality difference between this res and 1080p that would justify the massive energy drain on the battery?
Check out the full presentation at the PhoneArena link below and then come back to share your thoughts.
Source: PhoneArena & UnWiredView