setting stock weather update issue?


Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Is there there any way to set the refresh rate on the stock RAZR weather widget? When I click on the weather widget then go to settings it just shows use Fahrenheit/Celsius and then my location. Nothing about how often it refreshes weather

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No, I don't believe there's a way to change those settings on the stock app. I've used several weather apps/widgets and have decided that Weather Bug works best for me. One of the options within the app is the ability to change the refresh rate.
No, I don't believe there's a way to change those settings on the stock app. I've used several weather apps/widgets and have decided that Weather Bug works best for me. One of the options within the app is the ability to change the refresh rate.

Agreed. I have switched back to Weatherbug after using stock for a while. WB has an awesome radar along with detailed data. (inclding refresh)
Ya I was using fancy Widgets for a while but it didn't like to refresh all the time. Guess I'll have to use one from the market. Thanks.

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