Sending ringtones via text?


Nov 9, 2009
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I am trying to send some ringtones to my wife's phone that I made and put on my Droid's SD card. I am used to making a pix message and inserting the sound file and transferring it that way on my old phone. Any way to transfer ringtones? can't figure out how to do it via bluetooth either. Thanks.
I am trying to send some ringtones to my wife's phone that I made and put on my Droid's SD card. I am used to making a pix message and inserting the sound file and transferring it that way on my old phone. Any way to transfer ringtones? can't figure out how to do it via bluetooth either. Thanks.

My guess is, Verizon talked Android into disabling this. I can't send audio clips to my friend either. Right now, there's no way around it. Keep your eyes peeled for an update to ChompSMS or HandcentSMS. Those programs have the functionality built in. Handcent is available now, but doesn't work. If you send a file with it, it disables your data.

I think this is a lame move on Verizon's part. You should be able to just e-mail the ringtones. Have you tried that?
Haven't tried emailing yet, they would need a data plan to access email through their phone though, correct? :(
you can email ringtones. i downloaded the app astro, this lets u locate the file on ur phone and when u press on the file and hold, a menu will pop up that lets u send via email or bluetooth, maximum kb allowed are 552 i belive. hadcent will allow me to select audio but it shows just sounds and i cant find the location of where that folder is at but even still, i tried sending the eligible files and they dont send. lame move by verizon, on my storm it was so easy only thing i wish this phone had :( if anyone finds a way to send a music file please let me know ive been trying since i got the phone to find a way but cant do it.
try downloading handcent from the market place, its free and worked for me i was able to send ringtones to my friends.
i can send ringtone using Handcent. there is a setting in handcent that allows you to send files up to 1MB (Maximum MMS size). Hope that helps.
just tried chompsms on my droid and it work with tones created from ringdroid, but the ringtone cant be very long or it will max out the message space. And, i tried to send it to my fiances cell ( rouge) and it worked perfectly